furler makes lines


Maybe you guys talked about this already while I was gone this summer, but, if not, here’s another twist (sorry - grin - couldn’t resist!):


I met Jonathan Busse last weekend at the Catskill rodmakers’ gathering, and cast his lines. Very nice young guy, and the lines are all hand furled (he doesn’t even use a drill).



Been giving some thought to trying to furl a flyline. do you have any idea as to what type of coating he is using on the line?


It’s a concoction, I’m sure - I didn’t ask. Felt like a linseed oil mix of some porportion, but that’s a wild guess. He’s worked a long time to come up with a mixture, I know, and his dyes are natural ones. I don’t know but his specifics might be proprietary, although he’s very nice and would tell you that if you asked, I’m sure.
