Furled leaders versus knot less leaders

After reading DruLeeParsec Furled LeaderS Rock! post, I am interested to know more. Not every having tried furled leaders I would like to know do they turn over better than knotless leaders and why?

dont forget that furled leaders are tapered, not one continuous diameter.

A furled leader tapers smoothly from butt to tippet. Additionally, a furled leader has no memory (at all). It is as limp as a dishrag. Consider, however, that furled leaders don?t kink. They have a superior shock absorption that in single-strand leaders is usually incorporated into class tippets (near the fly). Too, they turn over more smoothly than any step-down, knotted leader can. They land on the water like a butterfly.

MOST DEFINITELY! I only use the ones made ot of Uni Thread and they are so much more supple. No memory at all like mono. When lifting the line it doesn’t seem to spray like mono, but it will float for hours with one coating of Muclin.
Plus by changing the thread color on the first section, you can make an in line indicator.

read the answer by fredevans

http://www.speypages.com/speyclave/arch … 11444.html

I snagged a furled leader so I had to cut off all but two and a half feet of it. The longest part I had frayed somehow. There must have been a can or something in the water and the leader dragged over it. Anyway, I am still using that short length of furled leader with several feet of tippet (I know -rather unusual setup) on my panfish outfit and the thing still turns over beautifully.

I’m going to watch this thread closely…Right now I make my own mono leaders and occasionally use a knotless.

I have never tried a furled either!
Might have to buy me one.

To everyone who may be interested in furled leaders…

You can purchase them for $12+ or you can contact Kathy Scott, like I did 2 years ago, and purchase her Furled Leader DVD. She has done a fantastic job of creating a DVD that makes making a furled leader so easy to understand. I will never use anything else but my own furled leaders. I did change her leader board measurments a little so that my furled leaders are 7 foot long to which I attach about 5 foot of flurorcarbon tippet. For tippet I use 4 or 6 pound test fluorocarbon and my 7 foot furled leaders will turn that over with no problems. You can spend 30 minutes of your time viewing her DVD and be making one in the next 30 minutes. Her DVD makes it so easy to understand that I could not wait until I got my leader board made. I went out on my back deck and used finish nails drove into the railing on my deck and made my first furled leader!! :lol: In my opinion, I strongly urge you to get her DVD rather than try to create a furled leader from what you find on the web sites. I viewed the web sites and could not understand the instructions that well and gave up. With her DVD, it is very easy to make one and after you understand her instructions, the ones on the web sites make more sense. My opinions only.

Furled leaders really do rock!!! :slight_smile:

I will add a second vote of confidence to WarrenP’s recommendation for Kathy Scott’s Furled Leader DVD. I posed some similar question regarding furled leaders last winter and Jack Hise was kind enough to front me a couple to try. They were, to say the least, an eye opening experience. I bought Kathy’s DVD a couple of months back and while I’ve not found the time yet to construct the rather simple jig to make them, it’s a project that’s definitely on the short list for this winter. The DVD went a long way towards de-mystifying the construction process. Thanks to Jack (thanks again Jack!) I’m hooked. Thanks to Kathy I can now feed the habit.

To quote an old commercial “try it, you’ll like it!”

Just a few statements…

What Warren says especially about the Kathy Scott DVD is very true… but to expand your data base… see link below…

Furled leader qualities will vary depending on what materials you use…see link below

There are floating and sinking furled leaders…

Even salt water fisherman use them…

It’s fun to make furled leaders…don’t get hung up on the jig…I’ve made two with stuff that was just laying around…flyandtie, making furled leaders is right up your alley…

Here’s a website that will have more info on furled leaders than you can imagine…and it’s all business …no BS babble that seems to be permeating some web sites :roll:


I can say that Warren learned well from Kathy’s DVD. He makes beautiful furled leaders.


Shoot me a PM with your address and I’ll put a couple of leaders in the mail for you to try.


how can we contact Kathy Scott?

her email is on this page


Has anyone had any experience with the “faux” furled leaders described in this month’s American Angler?

I agree with Warren. The DVD is a must as it answers a lot of questions left open by written instructions.
Warren showed me how to make them a little over a year ago and Kat’s DVD kept my mind refreshed.
Duckster is correct about materials and their different qualities.
some other notes on furled leaders
A 7’ leader will use 20 yards of material.
The break strength will be approxamatly 3 times that of the material used.
Kat, in her DVD, uses a re-chargable drill. If you follow suit have a spare battery at hand. Once you start laying up or twisting a leader it is next to impossible to stop without ruining the leader.

I think Warren and I have given out close to 4 dozen furled leaders this year!

Wow… you guys are so nice ! FAOL is certainly the furled leader Center of the Universe (at least for me) :slight_smile:

Just getting settled in for Fall so I’ve missed a lot of the posts. Nice welcome home.

Lots of the best information comes to the surface here, but if I can help, feel free to e-mail at dpvbkjs@tdstelme.net (or PM me here at FAOL).



Very nice offer. I’ll send you a PM with my address shortly.

The finest people are found on FAOL. 8)


I just sent you an email.

flyand tie, if no has offered yet, if you wanna shoot me a pm with address, I will send you a couple to try. You really do need at least two, cause they will get a little water logged, and you can just switch out while the first one dries. Mine are a tad longer and a little more thread than Kathy’s but the same idea. Plus I like a bright color in the first section for an indicator.
I will even through in a #32, he, he, he

I just placed my order with Kathy for the DVD. Very nice person to deal with. Told me she just needed an address and that I could pay her once the DVD safely arrives.

The folks you meet on FAOL are the best. 8)