Where do you get your tippet rings? Prices & quantities seem to vary a lot.
What size do you use? This also varies by source.
How do you get them on the leader? I use a crochet hook.
I feel that adding the tippet rings make the construction easier and faster as it eliminates that shorb loop in the tippet end which can be quite frustrating at times. Adding them does change the build method somewhat.
What is your opinion?
Even though I like the rings. I’ve heard it’s not as strong, because there aren’t as many stands holding the ring as you’d have in a loop. Not sure if that’s true?
You’re right. There are only 3 strands (on a 10 8 6) holding the ring. This would still give about a 12# break strength with 40 wt. thread or 4# vanish.
This bought a question to mind…Would the use of rings contribute to “hinging”? This is a problem I have not had with the looped furled leaders you have made.
The ring is held quite tight by the leader. I used one all day Saturday with no indication of hinging
I use both the looped and ringed leaders. Like 'em both. One positive for the ringed leaders is that I don’t wind up cutting the leader when I’m cutting off the tippett. (I’m very graceful! No sharp things, no burning things. For my own good!) Little rings can be purchased from Feather Craft, and added to the existing furled leader. Have not noticed any hinging. They’re soooo tiny it hasn’t created any problem, other than trying to get the tippett through the tiny hole.
LOL!! He’ll come and change the tippett for me?
They are also available from J Stockard.
Betty how do you get them on the leader?
The closest way to describe how I put them on would be a Larks head knot. Slip the loop through the ring, flip the loop back over the ring, and pull gently. The furled leaders usually stayed in place. The braided needed a microscopic drop of head cement. The complete, solid ring, works better than the split ring, IMHO.
The tippet ring is placed on one leg of the leader before twisting and furling. I’m looking for a method to get it on the leader that may be better than mine. I use a short piece of fine brass wire in a U shape, gather the start loop in it, insert the ends of the wire through the tippet ring, lift the start loop off the peg, slip the ring onto the threads and (Using a bodkin) replace the loop on the peg.
With the Feather Craft rings I can use a #10 or #11 crochet hook but the J Stockard rings are so small a #13 crochet hook will not hold all the threads.
If you’re using a very fine crochet hook (12-13), would it work to apply a tiny bit of tension to the loops as you move them? If I’m doing a hard pattern (crochet) if I keep a steady tension on the thread as I make the stitch, it will usually stay together. Don’t know how that would translate to furled leader building, but it’s worth a try!!
I should not have used the word “Thread” so loosely! It’s the .007 dia. 4# flourocarbon that’s giving me the problem.
Hi Jack,
I used your furled leader on my trout opening day and it was great, I loved it, layed out nicely. I hooked 4 and landed 3 trout, unfortunately no photographs:(
Can you take a length of florocarbon, or some other thread, thread it through the loops while on the spindle, lift it off using the two ends of the inserted thread, and thread those two ends through the ring?
I took needles of a size that fits through the ring ( some are very tiny ) and groung off part of the needle eye on one side. Dremel tool with a cut off wheel.
I found that if I’m real careful I can do it with a #14 crochet hook, I really have to find a #13!
Just ordered 40 more rings from J Stockard and more Uni tying thread.
I wonder which leader Gig used, the thread or the flourocarbon?
Jack…LMAO… :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here’s your quote…“I feel that adding the tippet rings make the construction easier and faster as it eliminates that shorb loop in the tippet end which can be quite frustrating at times.”
Frustration is oozing out of the posts about those rings…think I’ll stick to the shorb loops…
I’m with you Duck…looks like a PITA to me. :?
Duck & Brad;
It’s a learning curve thing and I have arrived at the top!! Now more shorb loops in that itty bitty tippet end!! I’m free, ya hear, free!! hehehehehehehehe!!
It does make for a nice furled leader and gets rid of the loop to loop at the tippet. If you guys decided to try it let me fill you in on all the mistakes I made first.
PS Ron’s tip did it!