I want to try out furled leaders but I’m not sure about what size to use. Do I use the same size furled leader with 3wt, 4wt and 5wt lines? Most of the leader I have found on line don’t come in sizes or lb test, but are classified by fish species or water type. Could anyone tell me what they are using?
I use 6.5’ or 7’ furled leaders made with 4# Berkley Vanish “Transition” on my 8.5’ - 9’ rods (3 to 5 wt.) for wet flys, soft hackle and wollybugers. Sinks like a rock!! They are made using the 10 - 8 - 6 formula.
For dry flys I use leaders made with 6/0 Uni tying thread dressed with floatant.
On my short rods I use 5’ leaders of the same material and forumla.
One of the advantages to furled leaders is thier ability to turn over extra long tipets.
I’ve had good success with 4# floroucarbon or mono up to 6’ long on smaller trout, bass and Blue Gills but you may have to size the tippet to the size of fly and fish.
Good post. May get some interesting responses on how to use them in different situations.
You did leave out one thing. “Those that hate furled leaders need not reply!”.
My short answer is yes - grin - I use the same leader for 3 to 5 wt lines. I’m using polyester (Unithread) in a 10-8-6 thread taper, the leader butt around 5 1/3 feet long and then about 4 feet of 5x tippet, mostly for trout and blue gills, smaller bass and landlocked salmon.