Furled Leader obs. and question

Now that I’m a furled leader expert :stuck_out_tongue: …you know the old… see one…do one…teach one…thing. :lol:

Here’s a couple of observations…

Safety pins might be handy in the place of paper clips…sharp point & secure…

The metal type shower curtain rings are handy for holding the weight and end of the leader.

Question… has any one used 2# fluorocarbon…is it strong enough and will it turn over?

You are truly trapped in the “Dark Side”! :frowning: And, as my Light Saber is in the shop I’ll not be able to come to your aid for a least a week! :cry:
SHARP POINT!!! :roll: I consider my furled leaders things of delicate beauty and would never, never, never, risk the chance of putting a nick in one!! :wink:
The shower curtian hook is a great idea, but I like the bent up paper clip 'cause I get a smaller loop (cheaper too!).

Jack, how about the 2# question…have you used it? If .005 nylon works wouldn’t 2# flouro for those times when one might want that “delicate beauty”?

My first Flourocarbon leaders were 2# test Berkley Vanish and they were delicate things of great beauty. But in the search for something a little stronger and stiffer to turn over larger flys I discovered Berkley 4# test, the golden hue of the “Transition” only adds to the beauty.
As you well know only the enlightened can perceive the presentation afforded by the “Furled Leader” :wink:. We must share our wisdom with all as it is our duty and our legacy to fly fishers throughout the world! :smiley:
Hence forth you will be “Yoda”, a knight of the furled leader and I will be Obi Wan 'cause I’m cuter!

I have used 2# Vanish for furled leaders with good results. I make my furled leaders longer than most, usually 7 1/2’ in length. I use the fluoro leaders for woolly bugger and streamer fishing, mostly.

I foresee the forming of “The Knights of the Furled Leader” association. Boards assembled, knit pickers held high we will redefine flyfishing for all to follow!
You all know this is just in jest 'cause duckster just seems to get some stuff started here. May have to up grade him from Yoda! Nah!!

Well I decided it was time to join in this fun so I built my jig this weekend and created several leaders. They are progressively getting better. I have 4 built with Uni 6/0. The last 2 came out quite nice. I built one with the Coats & Clark .005. Not quite as good as the Uni leaders but passable. I picked up the Berleley Vanish at Wal-Mart (half price as noted in another post). Haven’t tried it yet but it’s next on my list to try.

If you are keeping track of places ‘furlers’ live you can add Rhode Island to the list.

I have been furling for probably 3 weeks- with about 20-25 fishable leaders under my belt. I originally started off with the Coats & Clark nylon, then moved to polyester thread and 2# Berkley XL. The poly thread is an idea I got from another forum :shock: . So far I like the poly and the 2# leaders the best although there is currently 10-16 inches of ice on all bodies of water within 3 hours of here, meaning there has been no actual fishing with these leaders.

Add Nebraska to the list

One of the high end silk lines (Terenzio) comes with furled leaders made with silk thread. Any of you try that?