Furled Leader Jig in Fish-In Photos

To the gentleman who is demonstrating the furled leader jig:

Can you post some photos of your jig? I’m just starting to build my own and your jig may have some ideas I’d like “to borrow”.

That is Kaboom1. I know he has some posts in here so you can pm him. I’ll look up his email and pm it to you also.
He uses a different formula than I do but we were able to easily change his board over. He has incorporated a sewing machine motor and pully system to wind and furl the leaders automaticly.

Heres some furled leader jigs: http://www.midcurrent.com/articles/gear … eader.aspx

http://mywebpages.comcast.net/freaner/f … rboard.gif

http://www.peninsulaflyfishers.org/Tack … eader.html


http://furledleaders.proboards26.com/in … 244&page=1

Heres a furled leader bulletin board: http://furledleaders.proboards26.com/index.cgi

I think that is the first time I have ever been called a gentleman. :wink: Anyway, I have sent you an e mail. I will try and get the info to you ASAP.

I have a folding furled leader jig board (14 foot) that can furl leaders to 12 feet length.

I am considering creating a new furled leader jig board that has the capability of doing either a 2, 3, or 4 strand furled leader.

I am using a variation the The Big Leader Formula, that Dave Ulmer created for tying knotted leaders. It is a fully progressive tapered leader formula. Anyone who make split cane blanks, understand what a progressive taper means.

If anyone is interested, Email me your loop sequence and the total finished length you want the furled tapered leader to end up at.

I do not mind crunching numbers, it is not like it Calculus or Spherical Trigonometry, or Analytical Trigonometry, but it close. I will give you the peg numbers I can do it in English or Metric lengths, your choice.


I noticed that you are out of Hershey. I am not far from you( just outside of Gettysburg). Were do you do most of your fishing?

I fish all over, Breeches, Quitty, Clarks for trout. Susq. river for smallies and Swatara Creek for smallmouth and panfish. Also have access to a pond or three for bluegill.