Fun with Cork Part 2

A few of the grips I make . These are all 7" reverse half wells (western style)
Just wanted to show some of the variations you can play with to compliment wraps and reel seats.


Thanks for sharing:D

I like alot. Very nice work. Maybe this was answered before but what is the colored rings on the grips

harley,…The colored rings are craft foam. Craft foam comes in a variety of colors and is available at craft stores or other stores that have craft sections.

Here is on I just finished

Skip…thanks for adding your creation. I’m interested how you did the checkerboard patterns. I’ve seen this done before…Can you enlighten us how it’s done?

I have a checkerboard Jig Basically you cut different cork into pie shapes and glue it up It takes a little time but I think its worth it

where can I obtain such a jig? I’d like to experiment with that technique. I’m always looking to learn something new and different.

You can make your own or purchase one from

The one they list on their website it is no longer available They have a different one not listed on the website though You can call them I beleive it costs about 75.00