wellll i went to my grandmas…which is in hayfork california, 2 1/2 hours away from redding. and here are some pictures from the little creek that i got to fish!! i used a 7’ 3wt and the creek is only 1-5 feet wide!
a shallow pool that yieled no fish but was still pretty to look at!
a camera shy nymph i found turning over a rock
this pool gave me a monster 10" trout :lol: welll a monster for that creek
this pool i caught many larger 7-10"trout that gave me quite a tussel and many small 5" fish as well
beautiful wild fish
another beautiful trout
an unidentified flower i found streamside…have no idea what its called
there was some shots from the trip…many more but i think you’ll have plenty of a wait for these to download already so i wont put more up!haha