fun trip! (awesome pictures to!)

wellll i went to my grandmas…which is in hayfork california, 2 1/2 hours away from redding. and here are some pictures from the little creek that i got to fish!! :smiley: i used a 7’ 3wt and the creek is only 1-5 feet wide!

a shallow pool that yieled no fish but was still pretty to look at!

a camera shy nymph i found turning over a rock

this pool gave me a monster 10" trout :lol: welll a monster for that creek

this pool i caught many larger 7-10"trout that gave me quite a tussel and many small 5" fish as well

beautiful wild fish

another beautiful trout

an unidentified flower i found streamside…have no idea what its called

there was some shots from the trip…many more but i think you’ll have plenty of a wait for these to download already so i wont put more up!haha

Hi flyandtie,

Nice photos! Looks like a fun creek to explore. Well done.

  • Jeff

Nice work …keep it up…you have talent :smiley:

Nice pics flyandtie, have you fished around Redding in the Sac? Pretty awesome trout fishing there. Also upriver above Shasta Lake if you haven’t tried it.



nope havent fished either one of those but i will next year!!!
i wish i had but…soon enough

I loved your photos! I am very interested in the trout photos. Would you say those are Wild fish?

yes they would be wild fish, probably natives as well :smiley:

Ok, next year is soon enough…and don’t forget to check the regs if you get bored during the winter…the Upper Sac above the lake may be open all year.
You’re going to love it up there !



Cool pictures
neat little stream

…and that flower is a tiger lily

Watch out guys, this MAY be a sting. Aromas is 14 (obviously eloquent and talented far above that) years old. If you watch MSNBC’s " To Catch a Predator", you’ll know what I mean. This is just the “bait” they’d use. :slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile: :smiley:

PS: Aromas, great photography . Keep up the great work.
Dudley, everyone knows Tigers have stripes, it’s Leopards that are spotted.