Full-Wells v. Half-Wells


This was said in a casting video, “a full-wells grip is less tiring on the hand and forearm than a half-wells.”

Is it true?

For me, I prefer the full wells on just the bigger saltwater rods. I think some companies only use them on bigger rods, but I could be wrong on that. I get a sore thumb casting the bigger rods as well…

I have heard or read the same thing from more than one source.

I had an 8wt with a cigar style grip that I found that I did not like to cast for long periods of time, though I liked the rod otherwise. I got cramps in the hand. I recently sold that rod. I have 6wts with half-wells and with full-wells.

I really prefer a full wells grip over the half-wells for 6wt and above. Most of my fishing is with 6wt and heavier rods. Haven’t tried a full-wells on anything lighter than 6wt.

The shape of the handle grip, depends on your hand grip shape, when it is holding the fly rod. Each angler’s hand grip shape is unique, the best hand grip shape,maximizes the surface contact between your hand and the handle grip. The less you have to apply hand pressure while casting, will increase your casting control and rod casting speed.

Also important is the diameter of the handle grip, to match your hand grip diameter. To small of a handle grip, will cause your muscles (hand & arm to be too tight, which will slow your casting speed, and hamper your control of the cast. When I built my first fly rod, I address this question, having to create my own handle grip shape. I could not find any information on how to determine my hand grip. So I created a way to determine my hand grip shape and size.

I wrote about my research for FAOL, [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/rodbuilding/customgrip.html:13eb1]Custom Grip, Determing Shape and Size of Cork Grip Handle - CLICK HERE![/url:13eb1]

It helped me, hope it helps you.

my wife claimed my Fenwick Streamer 5 wt. It has the full wells and she said it is easier for her to handle. She cast all of my rods several times and this one was it for her. I use that rod as well and I could cast it all day. I wish the full wells was available more than it is.