From Canada - Writer's Block

Hi all!

Well, life has finally settled down here (new job, 11 kittens in the nursery, winterize the house …) … So I promised Deanna I’d send in some articles on a more regular basis … problem is I have writers block!!!

After several years of blabbering about all sorts of stuff related to fly fishing in my neck of the woods, I have this sinking feeling tha its getting a bit redundant. see: Recent stuff and older stuff

What would you prefer me to write about???

Very nice to hear from you, how is the new place working out?

How about some pics?

Be safe


ps: with the quality of your posts I had to vote for them all!

Thanks Steve, … the house is coming along nicely!
A small album

I voted stories, because I know you’ll be able to work in technique, Canadian details, and reviews into the story! :slight_smile: Glad to hear things are moving along.

  • Jeff

Looks like “Fishing stories” and “Technique” are tied!


Glad to see ya back!!!


Hey!!! Well it is NICE to be back!
Had a really busy Spring and Summer. Changed jobs (again) in mid-October, so things will settle down (finally).

Now all I have to do is get ready for Bonz at Christmas, then I’m doing a conference in early February (the Granby Quebec show) and I’ll probably also do the show in Ottawa! It is going to be a challenge to find time to do my day job!!!

Then again, … one DOES have to keep the priorities straight. The old job was getting in the way of fishing :!:, so I changed that!!:wink:

Hi Chris,

Welcome back. The survey was a tough choice for me. I probably will never get to fish for sea trout or salmon so the articles are interesting, but something I will never get to do. Fishing techniques for trout or warm water would be more practical for me, but that was not a choice. For me, any of the above would be OK, because most things fly fishing are of interest, whether I will get to try them or not. Fun to read about places I will never get to go, and to read about things I will never get to try.

Thank you so much for writing the articles.

Thanks and regards,



In reality, … many techniques for sea trout and even salmon can transpose well for trout. Like big bushy poppers for monster Browns :wink:

I’d vote for any of the choices interspersed with a few of your culinary delights. I’d really vote for " a day in the life of Chris Chin" ( with , of course, the mention of the aforementioned “culinary delights”).
