Fishing report for June 2 to 9, 2008
The end of the First World War and the affluence of the 1920’s sparked a renewed interest in the salmon and steelhead fisheries of Vancouver Island. Building on all the prewar publicity a new group of writers and entrepreneurs began cashing in on the legions of record fish.
Leading the way was Earl W Hogson’s book “Salmon Fishing” released in 1920. Highlights of this book included excerpts from Sir Brain Leighton’s writing of fly fishing for coho salmon.
In that same year Brigadier General Nole Money laid the ground work for his hotel will fishing the Stamp River for steelhead and developing a selection of steelhead flies that bare his name.
Frank Griswold Grey, brought attention to the hamlet of Campbell River in 1922, when he wrote of it’s Tyee (Chinook Salmon over 35 lb) fishing in his book “Observations on a Salmon River.”
A year later in 1923, F Rosenberg also singles out Campbell River’s Tyee fishing in his book “Big Game Shooting in British Columbia and Norway.”
Two years later in 1925, at the Willows Hotel in Campbell River, The Tyee Club of British Columbia was organized. The organizers of our one of a kind club were: Colonel Henry Humphery of Hong Kong, Charles M Wood Sr. of Philadelphia, Charles M Wood Jr. of Philadelphia, M A Cowan of San Francisco, and A N Wolverton of Vancouver.
As fate would have it in that same year, Victoria jeweler Boris Peetz began marketing his soon to be famous Peetz (big game) fishing Reel.
Our lower mainland lakes continue to fish well. For better success concentrate on warmer north east sections of your favorite lake during mornings and late afternoons. For wet (sinking) fly fishing try chironomid, Bloodworm, Micro Leach, Wooly worm, Pheasant Tail nymph, Doc Spratley, Green Spratley, Dragonfly Nymph, Coachman, Cased Caddis, Carey Special, Zulu, or Baggy Shrimp. If dry (floating) fly is your fancy try: Tom Thumb, Renegade, Lady McConnel, Elk Hair Caddis, Griffith Gnat, Royal Coachman, or Brayshaw’s Fancy.
The fishing on our interior lakes is good also with 50 to 60 fish days reported from many locations. For wet fly fishing try: Chironomid, Bloodworm, Big Black, Wooly Bugger. Halfback, Souboo, Sixpack, Butlers Bug, 52 Buick, olive Matuka, or Baggy Shrimp. For dry fly Lady McConnel, Irresistible, Double Hackled Peacock, Goddard Sedge, Tom Thumb, Royal Wulff, or Black Gnat.
Due to rivers throughout the province being dangerously high and poor for fishing at this time, we are discontinuing the rivers portion of our report until conditions are more favorable.
For those of you, who are more adventurous, registrations for the 5th Annual Tyee Kayak Fishing Derby, August 30 - 31, are now being accepted at As with the previous kayak derbies this one will also be held at Moutcha Bay, Vancouver Island. New this year will be a specific fly fishing division. The gantlet is down, any takers?
Until the next time, “Keep your fly in the water”.