Fran Betters

A friend sent me an e-mail. He was rather upset as he is a big fan of Fran Betters. It seems Fran has fallen on hard times and is also in very ill health.
Many of you know of this man and his contribution to fly fishing, with flies like the AuSable Wulff, The Usual and the Haystack to name a few.

So as a favor to my friend and to Fran I thought I would get the word out and see if there are folks out there that might be able to help even if it’s just buying some flies. What he’s really looking for is a buyer for his business, but any little thing helps.

here is the letter Fran posted on his site:

[/COLOR] It is simply time to be very straight forward. I am in difficulty. Too many things happened at the same time. Number One: I was FORCED to move my business and decided since I HAD to, I would do it the correct way which took everything I had. Number 2: I came down with congestive heart failure which is now in its end stages and Number 3, the economy decided to tank all at the same time. How about that for a bit of luck? I cannot QUIT until I find a buyer for my business of forty seven years. I have to try and survive somehow.
So I am asking for some help. If you have been considering buying one of my rods, please do so now. It could possibly be one of the last ones made. I know my days are numbered. Or one of the framed collectibles with a dozen of the flies I created, let me make one for you now. I could definitely use the business.
Some of you say I am a legend but I have always considered myself just one of you all. I never sought the limelight nor took advantage of many opportunities I had over my forty seven years of business. Money never really motivated me. Big money at least. Perhaps I made a mistake. The place I find myself in right now seems to indicate that. So what I would like to ask of you all is this. I know my days are very limited and I MUST find a buyer so would everyone please network and if you know of anyone who would be interested in being my successor, please send them my way. I want to meet them before I pass on. The price is very low and the deal is absolutely turnkey. It is listed with a wonderful agent in Lake Placid, Margie Philo who is Adirondack Premiere Properties. Here is a link to see the information. Ausable Sport Shop for Sale
Thank you everyone in advance for any help you can give. Fran

Thats too bad. I wish I would have made my way to his shop to meet him. I heard he was a great man with a vast vault of fly fishing knowledge. :frowning:

P.S. I recently ordered some flies from him, but I never got a response. I figured it was due to his failing health.

Visited his shop last year. Mr. Betters looked like he was predominantly relegated to his chair as he tied his flies.

This is very sad news indeed :(. (note my FAOL name) When I last saw Fran late last fall, he didn’t look like he was doing very well. He asked me then if I wanted to buy his business or knew anyone that would…and the tone he took was very serious. I did not know about the CHF…maybe it’s happened since then. If I was closer to retirement age, I just might have bought it (or at least a part of it), but I’m way too young to even think it. Folks, if you want some really great fly’s, take a chance on Frans specials…Ausable Wulff, Ausable Bomber, Mini-Muddler and the Haystack…the Bomber and Haystack are only available from his shop. I hope I get up there before the inevitable happens. I consider myself very fortunate to have befriended this man, truly an Adirondack legend. He taught me more about fishing my beloved river than I can begin to tell you, and that knowledge will be with me always. His custom rods are also a gem to fish with. I have one purchased right here on FAOL and I purchased another from him directly last summer. I’ll admit to having a damp eye while writinig this as this is truly upsetting. Looks like a road trip is in order this coming weekend.


Wow, that definitely sucks! I haven’t been up to Fran’s in around 5 years or more. It was the best place to go with any questions on any of the Adirondack streams, fly patterns, etc., If anyone is interested in his fly rods, they truly are great fly rods. They look beautiful and they cast great. If I had the money, i’d definitely grab as many as I could. Sad.

When it comes to reading about anything to do with the AuSable in upstate New York,Fran Betters is the man.

I bought his fly fishing and fly patterns book recently. If you don’t already own it, I suggest you buy it. Especially if you like his fly patterns.

Sad to hear!!! When I was Stationed in Plattsburgh NY in the Air Force we went fishing over a week period and stopped in at his shop (Old location) it was simply AMAZING!!! and talking to Fran was an experience in itself.


Sorry to hear the sad news, I called and no answer, left word on the machine and then placed an order. I hope other members will help and support a legend and lover of our sport as well as a lover of people.

Old Geezer