Saw the Blue Gill Bomber and loved it.
Tied up a few adding a red bead at the hook eye and the bass loved it.
Caught three bass first time out with it plus a few blue gills.
Next time out bites were very slow and then a 2lb plus LMB nailed it. Lovely fight on my 2 weight TFO.
glad you’ve had success with my fly. i am curious though what size hooks you tied them on? just wondering because i catch lots of gills and smaller largemouths on them nothing big yet
Matt, yes I love soft hackle flies your fly in the reddish brown was just up my stream, I tied it on a #12 heavy wire hook.
The fish at the time were all tending to nip the fly so the lack of a tail was ideal.
i tied some of these on size 10 hooks using what i had, brown/black varigated chenille and a tan hackle from a hideous cape that came with my first kit years ago. i actually had the pheasant feathers. i don’t know what the deal was but i have never had blue gill respond to anything like they did to this fly. they absolutely hammered it when they had been hitting nothing else, all hooked deep and requiring forceps for hook removal. i caught them until i got tired of it. can’t wait to tye up some more and try to repeat the action.
You don’t have to convince me. I wrote an article about it last year.
it is amust in my fly box now.
sounds like I need to give this fly a shot!
I read the directions, and want to clarify…the pheasant feather used for the “back”…do you use the TIP of the feather, or do you use the barbules that you removed from the side of the feather?
at the risk of sounding stupid where did everyone find the directions for this fly. I would like to look at it atleast
i used the tip of the feather. pattern can be seen on fly of the week archives, last week,
hey rick, where is the article?
You can find the FOTW instructions by going to the FAOL home page, click the Fly of the Week box (currently the blue dragon fly pattern). Then click the “Previous Flies” box.
In the 2nd column is the “2nd Quarter 2008 Archives”. The bottom one is the Bluegill Bomber.
Hope that helps? I’d post the link, but my address bar didn’t change, so I don’t think it works that way.
here’s the link
wondering what type of pheasant feather that was used, ringneck ?
It’s posts and people like you that make this web site such a delight to log on to. Thanks for your unselfish sharing of the details on this fly. Can’t wait to tie some up and try them.
hey mike, indeed it was ringneck. given to me about a year ago from a generous faol member
great, got plenty of them. found a local taxidermist who has a whole bunch of feathers and loose furs who just about gives this stuff away
Anything with a “body” and either legs or “wings” or both will get the attention of blugill.