If you can identify it, I will be glad to send it to you. Otherwise I will call it, finders-keepers.
See my post “Cell phone” in this folder.
If you can identify it, I will be glad to send it to you. Otherwise I will call it, finders-keepers.
See my post “Cell phone” in this folder.
I reckon it could be mine… it is a sort of hoopy shape with netting material. Gee I’m glad you found it, I was looking everywhere. Could you send it to me?
There’s always one in a crowd…
Over the years I have found a number of items along the rivers and streams. If the item is in good shape and I can not find an owner, I donate it to a fly fishing club or organization for their fund raiser raffle.
Larry —sagefisher—
I once found a camo hat and was gonna keep it until I picked it up. I could smell the stinky sweatyness of the manbeast that owned it! plus a bird must of ate some berries and used it as a toilet. needlesst to say… I had to throw it down. lol.
Hey fish, can I have my hat back?
BTW, the day before Thanksgiving…good steelie day?
May blast up from C-BUs.