Fly Of The Week 2008 Swap
Ok it is time for me to start another Swap
Pick any FOTW for 2008 to tie for this swap
This will be for 12 tiers, 12 flies each
Signup deadline will be January 1st
Flies to me deadline will be February 15
Please do not signup if you do not intend to complete this one.
As you sign up try to let me know which fly you will be tying and what
size hook you will be tying. This helps everyone to know what size box to use.
Be sure to ship your flies in a box big enough and strong enough to
hold the flies you will be getting back.
Enclose it along with a return stamped and addressed envelope
into an envelope strong enough to hold it all.
No metered mailing strips please.
Don’t forget to toe tag your flies.
Please let me know when you ship your flies.
Also please mark your envelopes with your online name and the swap name.
I will PM you My Shipping Address as you sign up for the Swap.
Please let me know when you receive my Address.
At the end of the swap please let me know when you receive the flies back.
Above all else have fun with this swap. John
1…bassman - #12 Arkansas ScudDone
2…Danny Gober - My version of the Articulated Woolly Bugger*
3…nyfisherman - #12 Quick`n Ezy Parachute AdamsReceived
4…ibrb - #18 Sparkle Dun PMDReceived
5…steelieslayer - #14 Exploding CaddisReceived
6…bdesavage - #18 CaplisReceived
7…BadBug - #22 RS2Received
8…troutgeek - #16 Green Skating CaddisReceived
9…wayneb - #12 Bluegill BomberReceived
10…johnniewalker - #16 Q-Back Flymph*
11…JohnR - #18 Q-Back FlymphReceived
12…Gigmaster - Floating Head Minnow/Shad/BluegillReceived
- means you have received my shipping addy
** means you have shipped your flies