For those who know ....

eggplant :cool:

Some things just need to be said.


I don’t know any eggplants; but, I do know some “noodle heads.” Sorry 'bout that!!!

baba ganooj!

Note to self:

Order rubber truck…
Rent to Ladyfisher.

that color is a little off. now i discovered thar’s not a real good egg plant color or a real good color picker. :roll:

There is a restaurant near me that serves outstanding eggplant parmigan…

The color is just purple.

I like purple, but purple is purple.


Bake eggplant (mashed), sauteed onions ( well done and mashed), bacon ( crispy, broken up), salt, pepper . All mixed together spread on buttered rye ( Bakery Rye). It ain’t PURPLE but is sure tastes good. Recipe suggested by “Two Fat Ladies” cooking show of a few years ago, it was “Aubergine” to them.

Currently in Kalifornia but…

Only way I’ve ever had eggplant was in some dim sum…but it was quite tasty…the best dish of the meal.

AND, as you have probably surmised by now, we, the so far respondents, DO NOT KNOW :slight_smile:

PS: Must be some sort of “secret” handshake

Eggplant rates way down on the bottom of my list–with Okra and a couple of other things.



I must really be an old timer!!

(Otherise Miss Betty would have been disappointed.)
(She’ll still be disappointed if Joe V. misses his que.)

and Goo Goo Clusters


Social Butterflies are never “old timers”…
