If you think you are excited now, try this:
Thanks, LF. I really need to start tying up some Roberts Drakes, Pearl Drakes, EHC and Stimulators. FYI, Rusty usually updates the fishing report on Wednesday, so check back the next two weeks for the most current updates.
I’m headed up there on the 20th-22nd for a class at the GLC Fly Fishing School and Conclave. I hope to fish Friday and Saturday nights with some friends, and will report back here when I return.
Ohhhh, maaaaan! Fish-in can’t get here soon enough!!
I saw those drakes and my heart started thumping. Add to that, the cold temps to slow things down a little bit and it should be shaping up quite nicely for the Fish In. I’ll be there quite a bit earlier so I hope I can catch some of those hatches! WOO HOO!!
Just to add to the exitment, I threw this little slide show together with photos from last year.
Very nicely done - thanks for sharing!
Mato SWEET I can’t wait.
Thank you Mato!
I say this in all sincerity, You have the Photographic “Eye”,
I was a "Custom Photo " Lab Manager and spent a lot of time in the Darkroom, so I have seen a LOT of photo’s as well as taking 1000’s
of Pic’s and you are one of the Best I have seen.
WOW! Thanks for the nice compliment Bill. I just like to play around with the digital. It’s fun when you don’t have to pay for developing!!
QUICK can someone post the recipe for tying Brown Drakes. I don’t have much skill with dries but would like to try and tie some up before I get to Michigan.
OOps… double post.
Here are some:
But you may also want to tie up some Roberts Drakes.
From hatches II
Simulans compadun (brown drake)
wing and tails dark grey
light yellowish grey body
medium ginger hackle
Oh great with my limited skills this should be tough but I think I will give it a try. Thanks
Joe - I too will be up in Grayling this weekend. Actually, I will be up there the next THREE weekends (I know, tough job, but someone has to do it). I will be up with the local TU chapter for their annual outing at Wa Wa Sum this weekend and will be at Grayrock the following weekend. Then the Fish-in over the Fourth. I love this time of year! Like Christmas in June!
Check your PM for my cell number. Give me a call. We’ll get to gether and wet a line or have dinner.
I will also keep folks updated on hatch conditions. Hopefully the water isn’t too high. Pray for some extended dry weather now.