For the uninformed ie; heads up!

If you take all the key covers off your keyboard to clean out whatever happens to be growing there … take a picture of the keyboard FIRST!!! :shock:

<can you tell this has not been a couple of my better days?>

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Translation: Why do you need to take a picture? :wink:

I’m so sorry! If you can’t get all the keys back where they belong, then new keyboards aren’t too expensive.
Doug P.S. There might be someone on the BB with a spare keyboard.

:oops: fortunately, after a few attempts, I got close enuf to figure out the ones I didn’t know! keys are responding much faster than they were before this foray!!!

Sounds like she has it solved but if not tell us the brand and one of us with that brand could send you a picture of ours…or I suppose you could take a picture at a store.

Well, at least the week is almost over :roll:


So have you Identified the growth underneath your keys yet???

Some of us are dying to know!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

:shock: Well, let’s see … there was dog hair, dust, more dog hair, a bit of coffee that had been blown out my nose by a few posts on here, and, ummm, some more dog hair!! :roll: Lesson learned, even though the dog likes to post on line, she’ll have to use a different computer!

Just a thought , Betty, but periodically I give my laptop…it’s my only computer…a good blowing out with my air compressor…don’t know what I’d give up last…my compressor…my drill press…my grinder… :roll:

I am one of those who are NOT dying to know. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Hey there Betty,
IT has never occurred to me to take the key covers off to clean them. Seems to me that on my keyboard, that would spell diZaster. I think I’ll stick with the vacuum cleaner.


:shock: A vacuum!! <palm smacking forehead> Wish I’d thought of that!! :roll:

The manual that came with my HP laptop say that you should periodically vacuum the keyboard.

What it didn’t say is that you’ve got to be a bit careful not to use a vacuum with too much suction.

I used the central vac in our house and it sucked out some of the sheet of foam that’s under the keyboard. :frowning:


Betty, You never know what you will learn around here!
Doug :smiley:

Betty, just make sure that it is one from which you can retrieve and keys that had an unsettling experience.


AND use a vacuum attachment with a “fuzzy” brush head ( kinda like a shaving brush) to lessen the suction and possible damage to keyboard.


You can safely wash you keyboard in the dish washer. Keyboards are cheap if it does break, and do not do this with laptops. We did this when i was doing desktop support with an oil company never broke a keyboard.

Sorry that dishwasher thing is a myth.

Most of todays keyboards do not take friendly to spills of coffe, soda or any other liquid.
As a matter of fact most of todays laptops fare much better since their keyboards are sealed. But still it is not worth to take a chance.
My company has 650 employees and we go thrugh about 50 keyboards a year lost to liquids.

LOL!!! Notice Mark had to explain a part of a vacuum to me!!! :roll: :wink:

One great way to get your keys off the key is to let your 8 month-old sit by the computer. My laptop keyboard is beginning to look more and more like a chess board everyday. I know what you’re thinking, “just keep the kid away from it!” My response: “But he looks so cute when he’s destroying all of my expensive things!”:oops: