2-strip quad from a hex taper I dithered up for tossing big flies for our cats, carp and pike … if the PMQ holds up, it’ll be enuf proof from the pudding to continue on the hex.
This is the only window dressing I have so far … guides are marked … hoping to have it done by next week.
Well … it’s done … and if all goes well, it’ll be fished tonite too.
Finished the wraps and guides last nite. Epoxied the reel seat on and left to cure over nite.
I test cast it before the pics (of course) … wow - what a beast. Arms definately will get a workout, but it casts as expected - and to me, that’s surprising. It was designed with a medium action with a bit of a kick at the end of the cast. The extra kick is a turbo-boost sort of for tossing big bushy wet flies.
Well - here it is - the rest of the rod …
Well, got to go give a new guy a hand tonite getting going - maybe I’ll hit the water after if there’s time remaining.