Folks who fish Bennet Springs (site of Missouri Fish In)

Don’t know how many of you check out Weaver’s web site, they have a twice weekly fishing report, and they are really nice people, but I found this on the web site today, keep them in your thoughts/prayers:

To our faithful readers:

We very regretfully must suspend our Online Fishing Reports for an indefinite period of time.

On Thursday, Jerry suddenly and severely suffered retinal damage in both eyes. In one eye, his vision loss is total. He has had several procedures and some surgery done since then in an attempt to save the other eye, which has retinal tears in it.

More surgery is scheduled tomorrow in Springfield, and we would ask for your prayers that it will be successful.

Our store is open for business, with Bill & Rosie Bailey and several of our campers, neighbors and friends holding down the fort. Neither of us has been in the store since Thursday, but other than having to shorten weekend hours, it’s still pretty much business as usual there. The outpouring of support and offers of help have been phenomenal, and we are most grateful.

Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, friendship and continued support. Hopefully, we will have good news to bring you in the future.

Jerry & Brenda Miller
Weaver’s Tackle Store
