Foam Cylinders

I’ve been trying without success to find someone who sells 3/8" foam cylinders in chartreuse color for making Todd’s Wiggle Minnow. All I’ve been able to find are white. Can anyone give me a link or a phone # to a vendor that’ll do mail orders? Thanks in advance.


Two words for ya … “PRISMACOLOR PENS”:stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, I’ve thought of that, but I hate like heck to have to color the whole cylinder! I’m lazy and I hate painting! :rolleyes:

I make my own from $ Store flip flops and a $5 set of punches.

try rainys flies

or you can always use GOOGLE

Wapsi makes a 3/8 inch foam cylinder in chartreuse but you will have to find a fly shop that will order it for you.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

OK … two more words … ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC!!!:rolleyes::p:p

Hello John,

You can get chartreuse 3/8" foam cylinders at:

Stone River Outfitters

Part # M06326 (color), 6 pack, $1.75

These are the same foam cylinders I use for my Texas BullFrog, a former FAOL Fly-of-the-Week.

Hope this helps.


Richard in Plano TX

Thanks, Larry. I know Waspi makes it, but I havn’t been able to find it after searching online or at my favorite fly shop! This is the problem- I CAN’T find it! :confused:

Re: Rainy’s Float Foam- what are the actual diameter measurements of their sizes (large= xx")? That’s something else I have’nt been able to find (measurements).

Yes, Betty, I AM pathetic. Fortunately, my wife and I don’t mind. It makes for good stories!


Stone River Outfitters

They are a Sponsor in good standing!

i’d guess the numbers in the right hand column would be the size???

Duh- I guess I’ll put the bottle of Jameson’s away now and crawl away slowly! Thanks to all.
