Flyline to learn with?

I have a size 5 reel and graphite rod to start with. Could you folks suggest a couple of lines that I could learn and then fish with for a while that would cost around $25 and get me started? Thanks… try these on sale this week. Before you order try reading fly fishing 101 on the home page of FAOL to learn how to match the line with your rod and why you need backing also.

go to
find and click on fly llines
find and click on fly lines again
find in top right corner discount fly lines from Northern Sport and click
$9.50. Factory seconds but supposed to be color probs and not actual performance probs
These are Aquanova fly lines.
Call them to talk…some of their lines are sold out already
You need to match the fly line weight to whatever the fly rod says it is for…like a 5wt rod needs a 5wt line. The reel doesn’t matter unless it is extremely too light or too heavy for the rod. So you don’t want to purchase a 3wt line for a 6wt rod for example.

What Gem said…I ordered a DT5F…and use it exclusively for my lawn casting but could fish with it if I wanted. Some folks feel a DT is the way to practice.

I’m with Rainbowchaser. The Hook & Hackle brand fly lines are a good deal for the money. I like higher end lines but I was impressed with these after I tried them. I have no problem recommending them.

I am with Gemrod on their fly lines. They are factory seconds but work quite well and I have fished with them. Fact of the matter my friend has been using one for 2 years now in a wf sinking and has had no problems what so ever.

Gary: I too go with Gemrod. I like their lines however for some reason I find that a 6 wt line casts better than a 5 wt line on my 5 wt rod. Maybe you ought to try different wt lines to see which one you prefer.


Ya Tim. And for $9.50 you could get three different fly lines for the price of one of the H & H. I buy from H & H. But unless I missed something they are currently $30 each. For the $9.50 Gary could get a 4wt and a 5wt and a 6wt to learn/experiment on his particular rod with. Or a 5/6/7.


the double tapered line is symetrical at both ends so you can beat one end up casting on concrete and reverse the line and have a new line at the other end to fish with—2 for the price of 1


feel the difference

Are you certain this is the right line for a newbie to practice with? he’ll have to wear ear plugs to cancel all the noise that line makes as it goes thru the guides, not to mention it’s $100.