I have back issues of Flyfisherman, flyfishing and BC Outdoors for sale.
Any interest out there???
What are the publication dates on the Fly Fisherman magazines?
Also would like dates of “Flyfisherman”
Flyfisherman 1979-1997.
How many do you have and what are you asking? Shipping?
Going through my boxes, I have Approx 80 copies that range from January 1979 to Juyl 1997, but there are more that I haven’t event unpacked yet.
I don’t know what they would be worth and I have no idea of shipping until I know where there going to go.
I have great access to Point Roberts USA, so shipping mcan be done through the USA.
If you have specific months/dates that you want, I have no problem picking them out if I have what you want.