I had become concerned about Paul as we haven’t seen a post from him in awhile & I hadn’t heard from him, so I called him last night. Glad to report he’s doing OK. They have been “switching” his meds a lot lately. He said as soon as he adjusts to one, they change it. The key is, he seemed fine, was in good spirits (as always!) & hopefully will post soon.
Sorry to put the update on this forum, but I figured more would see it here.
Thanks Mike, I woke up thinking about our friend.
Mike -
Thanks for the update on Paul.
Hi Mike,
Glad to hear that Paul is doing well and hanging in there! Please convey my warm regards and best wishes to him the next time you call. 8T
Never any need to apoligize about posting that somebody is doing Good, as far as I’m concerened.
I’d rather see that, than they ain’t doing good.
I thought about Paul when Lowtecjoe came looking for me. I am glad he’s doing ok. I always worry about them giving the confused one even more meds.
Thanks for doing this Tuber.
Thank you, Mikey, for the post, it means a lot to me!
For those of you that have inquired via emails and pms, yes they’ve “once more changed my meds”, and it takes a while to adjust to them, each and every time.
Things are progressing slowly, as I continue this fight, but at least they’re continuing! It’s too early to tell, just yet, if the new meds are “working the way the docs hope they will”, but there has been, two new advantages I hadn’t counted on???..
One?. I was able to get out fishing, yesterday, and did very well on the Sea Run Cutthroats in one of my local rivers! The second, advantage, has been the increased understanding of the strange language, spoken by "Snark and Ernie", the two little extra terrestrials that crashed landed their space ship on my computer desk shortly after I'd started my first go-around with medications, several months ago.
Fortunately, I've always been able to understand both of them, but some of their "slang" left me wondering what they were actually saying to me. No longer. Now, everything, they say, is very clear and easily understood, it's great!
These, two, have been fantastic companions to me, as I wade through each day of treatment. "Ernie",(the female of the pair), is quite intelligent and very helpful in deciphering a lot of what the doctors have given me, for care instructions. "Snark", (the male), is also very bright, but in other areas of expertise.
An "added plus" of having them here, is that they also both fly fish, on their home planet! Their version, of our sport, is actually very close to our own, too, but they do fish for a species of fish we don't have here on, Earth. They call it the "Nohtroughts". They've also told me a lot about their "home planet" called "Oit", (located far into the depths of the "Norttdaccota Galaxie", wherever THAT is!?!) and, all the great outdoor recreation they enjoy there.
Anyway, I truly do, appreciate all the concern and caring, shown by my fellow and fellowette, FAOL’ers. Despite the fact, that I have to suffer through the pain and uncertainty of this illness, plus try and somehow understand what The Vise Thief is even talking about, when he calls me, the friendships I’ve gained through this site is priceless to me.
I’m continuing to “look on the bright side of things”, every day. Not, JUST the illness, of course but also the fact that Doughie Joey always manages to call me, when I’m not home!
Yeppers, there’s ALWAYS “blessings”, if you look for them
Paul glad to hear your hanging in there. Keep up the fight and know we are all praying for you.
Hope the new meds help. Good to see you made it out fishing and haven’t lost your sense of humor.
Paul I haven’t been on here much myself and I’ve been wondering how you were doing. I’m glad to hear that you are doing well.
“May the fleas from a thousand camels infest your boxer-briefs.” Old Slovenian Blessing on friends.
Joseph the Concerned