Just thought I would let everyone know that I just got off the phone with Paul (flybinder). He is still fighting the meds, but, he is hanging in there. Takes him a little longer to do things, but, he said he still gets things done. He sounded like he was in pretty good spirits and I really enjoyed talking to him. He said he misses FAOL and will get back to posting when he is feeling better. I told him I would report to you all. Please keep him in your prayers.
Thanks, Warren.
I know you are reading this Paul. Hang in there my friend. We need you on here. Hurry up and get over that stuff.
Saint Paul, we are here for you, our prayers have been sent. Get well so you can enlighten us with more of your great wisdom!
I don’t know you but have heard much about you. I have always heard that a man is judged by the friends he keeps. According to the folks on this board you have a heck of alot and fine ones at that, so you must be a heck of a fellow. Here is wishing you all of Gods blessings and the strength to fight your illness. You are in mine and my churches prayers.
Christopher Haddad
Flybinder, I keep you in my thoughts daily, you are in my prayers…
God Bless,
Update on WHO???..Never heard of the guy!!!
I also received a PM from Warren as he & Paul discussed the current concern regarding peanut butter. I did some investigating, & the ONLY brand I eat OR use in my peanut butter fudge is JIF (a JM Smucker Co product), & it is SAFE!!
Just thought I would throw that in.
I’ll be talking to you soon…you know you’re always in my thoughts & prayers.
Before JM Smucker, Jiff was made by the company I work for.
I think he’s just feeling guilty for sending all of that bad weather our way.
Hang in there, my friend.
Paul you know it goes without saying I am praying for you. For you folks that don’t know him Paul is first rate. People I meet in my life have to earn my respect. Paul did it in record time one day. When my family was in need and running blind for my sons surgery I got on here and asked for help Paul was the first one to reply and did some research and found us a hotel we could stay at and not break the bank. When we got to portland paul drove up to meet me and spend a day with me. I was terribly stressed out and Paul took me around Portland and made me laugh and enjoy the day. Paul did not know me from adam and yet he did all this and more. To him I take my hat off and thank imensly.
Now Paul don’t let this go to your head. I have seen your hat size and if this goes to your head you won’t be able to wear that stetson you got at the resteraunt. Hope you mom is doing well as well.
Thank you Warren. Paul, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting the good fight buddy. I am right here with you in spirit if not in body!
My prayers and thoughts are with you Paul.
Hey Paul,
You know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you adjust to the meds soon. We miss you around here.
Paul, few are the days that I haven’t prayed for you over the last few months. You have friends here who care a great deal about you, your family, and y’all’s happiness. I look forward to the day that we can meet face to face.