This is a Stable fly and it is tied in size 20 . These little biters are plentiful down here and unlike most flies feed on animal blood.
If there’s a horse within 100 miles, these things will find it. Nasty little buggers. They can take a chunk out of you, too! It isn’t like a mosquito bite!
Nice tie! I almost started swatting my computer screen.
I hate those flies.
Fred what did you use for the eyes may I ask?
Thanks Kevin . Jeffro the eyes are made from two pieces of red 40lb mono . The ends are heated with a lighter and before they cool , I press them against a flat surface to flatten them just a little.
Damn that thing looks real, great job.
Fred the fly looks great. I especially like the eyes.
Do you put them little buggers in the freezer before you glue them onto the hook? Seriously, that’s a great fly. I can’t get over how much material you have included, and all on a size 20 hook. Well done!
You have definately done it again Fred. What did you use for the wings? and I agree with the other posts…those eyes!!! are wonderful. Size 20…[COLOR=black]I couldn’t see the hook, let alone tie on it[/COLOR]
Thanks everyone. David the wings are clear acetate the kind they use for overhead projector film. The trick is tying them in with a long tag end and bend it over and wrap it again. This will ensure it won’t slip or a fish won’t be able to pull it loose.
What a great idea for the wings. Thinking outside the box is something that many of us seem to forget from time to time.
Great Tie! Is this a Dry or Wet Fly?