Fly wings

To answer an e-mail, yes, you can use the printed wing technique for making fly wings. Also as thorax cover, wing bids etc. It works especially well for sedges ( Caddis). Of course you need to find the wing templates and the right colours.

Here are some wing templates from my large collection, too many to post here! ( I mainly used these for making my own brass wing burners and cutters, but you can resize and colour them as desired using a graphics program. You can also copy actual fly wings from various pictures of course). These are fruit fly wings

You can find plenty of useful templates here;

And of course you can draw and copy your own.

The technique is useful, but limited of course. It would not be a good idea to put paper wings on every fly!

Once such paper wings, ( or thorax covers etc) are treated with UHU or similar stuff, they are quite durable and lifelike. One may also use different papers to print them on.


Nice work & research. You can photo image (print) these onto angel wire (order Angelwire from Kars Craft Shop), then cut out the wing; (a technique that both Oliver Edwards & James Matthews uses) !!!

Thanks, I didn’t know that!

Found some here;

Also found a “local” supplier;

will have a try with it.


I also wonder, since I have been experimenting with a technique Graham Owen uses; where you pour a tinted varnish (can use pigment powders with this) onto a mirror and let dry. You can then peel off & cut what you need. Go ahead by projecting the template image onto this (I think there is some type of projection artists use for tracing onto paper, etc).
Carefully scribe the wing veins from the projected image). Just a thought I have not experimented with yet, but think would produce a realistic wing. I know Graham spends a lot of time detailing these wings which look very realistic (can see his work by googling Graham Owen Realistic Fly Tying which will bring you to his gallery link) !!!

[QUOTE=MR.JML;269171 I know Graham spends a lot of time detailing these wings which look very realistic (can see his work by googling Graham Owen Realistic Fly Tying which will bring you to his gallery link) !!![/QUOTE]

Thanks, I will have a look just out of interest. However, I don?t do any realistic fly-dressing at all. Strictly practical fishing flies is all I dress.


Having talked to Graham before, he ties a lot of fishable realistics as well. James Matthews, another friend of my does all fishable realistics.
What realistic tying I do are fishable realistics; I do all styles of tying.
Nice to have as many techniques under your belt as you can.
Again, Muchos Gracias for all the excellent research Mike (you are da man) !!!