Fly Tying Course Workbook

Howdy Boys;
I went to engineering school at Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls, Oregon. During that educational experience I took “Fly Tying 109” looking for an easy P.E. credit. I had already been tying for about 6 years. I recently ran across the coursebook. I took the class in 1978, so some of the material is a little dated. It is 130 pages, 8 1/2 “X 11”. It is bound with one of those two - hole bendable metal bindings.
Soft -cover, with very little wear other than some slight yellowing of the pages. Very detailed descriptions of the state of the art at that time, with maybe hundreds of patterns. It is a coursebook, and so has detailed instruction and so on. It is a no-foolin’, genuine article, OIT coursebook. I will ship it free to the first one who PM’s me asking for it. Out of the country, I may ask for some $ for shipping. Looks like it goes a couple pounds. I just want to pass it on to someone who will read it and appreciate it for what it is. I just re=read it, and picked up a few things I had forgotten…Happy Fly Tyin’…ModocDan

TyroneFly was the first to respond, so sorry, guys he’s got it. Maybe after he’s had it 30 years he too will pass it on HAHA! …Dan

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