Hello Fellow Anglers: I am retiring from fly tying and have a great many items to sell and was wondering which auctions do folks frequent for fly tying items now? I used to sell things on Ebay, but now it seems to have a limited number of fly tying items. I prefer auctions as that gives the largest number of buyers a chance to get something they need. Any suggestions?
I know it’s been a long long long time since I’ve posted on this BB. I have missed the fellowship here and hope to get reconnected now that my life has simplified to some degree.
Buying and selling on FAOL, is nice cause you can develop a relationship with the sell and buyer. I bet there are items on here have have been passed around for some time between members.
Thank you for your responses. I stated fairly clearly why I prefer auctions, but I didn’t say that I’m also selling my materials etc to pay rent and bills. I don’t have the luxury of being ok with getting the lowest (fair) price. I always begin my auctions at a fair price, and then pray that God will help bring in more for my items. Thanks again!
Wow, it sounds like you?re in a tight spot. Let?s take a look if I / we can help. Let me ask you a few questions.
Do you want out of tying all together? Can you make your hobby work for you by selling flies? Could you teach fly tying? How are you listing things on e-bay? Could there be a better way to list them and not just e-bay your local news paper.
Everything would depend on your equipment and conditions and what is it worth. You can?t expect anyone to pay any more than what you would pay. At the very best I think your best bet would be for top dollar would be e-bay, www.craislist.com, local paper and of course here. These guys for a worthy cause may be able to help you out.