fly tyers dungeon

The thread on the warm water forum about tying puglesi style minnows got me all excited and I had to order material. I followed one of the links in the thread to the fly tyers dungeon, and started to browse their selection. Not what I would call a huge line of materials, but they had just the things that i was looking for. I noticed the free shipping on orders over $50 so i started buying everything i thought i might need to tie all kinds of flies. I ordered a promo pack of the legs alive material which turned out to be like luma legs, every color of congo hair that I thought i might need, bunches of hanked flash material that was very similar to flashabou accent, some dubbing that was on sale, more flash that think was called pearl web, and a finer synthetic fiber that I can’t recall the name of. I looked at my shopping cart for the total, fully prepared to trim my order down so that i was closer to 50 bucks…I WASN"T EVEN AT $40 YET!!! I had to go back, order more and after nearly giving up finally ordered a fly box for $6 to push the total above $50.

I received my material today, ant was amazed at the amount of stuff i received. All of it was very nicely packaged, and exactly as i expected it to be. I hope to find my camera tomorrow and take a picture of the giant pile of stuff i got for my money.


Oh man I’m jealous. Just sent an order off to feather-craft for 250 bucks but I got A LOT of material and a bunch of tungsten beads. I should be set till next winter I would imagine.


Did you get one of the H2O fly boxes? If so, what do you think? They look a lot like C&F and certainly much cheaper. In particular I’m wondering how the foam slits compares to C&F for holding flies.

I got the H20 Fly Boxes and I think they’re a steal. The C & F boxes are way overpriced. I think these compare favorably. Remember this, though, if a box holds 380 flies and you lose it, you lose 380 flies. I love the boxes but I don’t fill them for that reason. I usually tie a dozen of a pattern I use regularly and carry 6.

And here we find the reason that we all have boxes and boxes of tying materials, Fish I hope you use all of it and need to order more of each. I think sometimes we should change the saying about a kid in a candy store to a Tier in a fly shop. :wink:


I got his x-mas box last year and was very surprised at the amount of material in there for the price. Real good value for money.

My Dad used to call that being “bargain poor”…and believe me I’ve got first hand experience.

Thanks for the opinion duckster. I know what you mean about putting all you flies in one box. I typically do the same as you and only put a few of each in my box. I think I’ll need to pick up one of those fly boxes.

I wish people would stop posting sites like this, I just checked the site out added it to my favorites and am trying to figure out where to get the $50 to avoid the shipping charges,

Great site great prices,


Eric … 50$ bucks!! You should see the bills when my Liliane decides she wants to do full dress classic atlantic salmon flies!!! We go to the local shop about TWICE per week.

So far, it’s “cost” 2 griffin vices, +100 salmon hooks … and the materials. Who knew that 2 feathers could cost over 10 bucks!!!

Then again, … we usually tie at the same time … she does the classics, I do the trout and “production” flies. Paulo, the owner is jealous of us.

This will get real interesting when she discovers the other side of the shop (where the fishing equipment is !!!) :wink:


It’s pretty much the same thing here. I tiee the trout/steelhead flies for us to use, VEE ties the full dress atlantics on the blind eye hooks. Who knew that silk gut was so expensive, let alone feathers, seal and pigs wool dubbing? Unfortunately for our bank account, VEE has also found the fishing equipment side of the shop, both single hand and two handed rods. Thanks to our friend, Z, she has also discovered the wonderful world of bamboo. We are on the road to the poor house, but we’re enjoying the trip.


I also got the Mad Scientist’s Christmas box this year. WOW!! His Congo Hair and Water Silk materials are fantastic! There were a couple of things in the box I still haven’t figured out what to do with, but I’m working on it!

This was my haul. All for 29 bucks, shipped! $25 for the materials, $4 for the box (shipping).

I need to go back and get a few more colors, but I think I’m gonna try to whittle this bunch down some, first.


PS that’s the stuff I was tying the flies in the Bream and Bug thread in Fly Tying.


I’ll have to 3rd the bargain on the xmas box. I was pleasantly shocked about the amount of material I received for just under 30 bucks.
I was tempted to order his new year box, but the wife’s been giving me that look when my stuff starts falling from shelves in the closet…

I bought the Christmas box and the new years box and added a couple of things to it. I love his stuff.:smiley:
