Fly Tyer?s Hand & Palm Treatment, has anyone used this produ

For a year now I have been using Yosmite Brand Fly Tyer’s Finger Treatment with excellent results. With winter approaching, my hands begin to dry out and have started to crack. I was wondering if anyone has used their Fly Tyer?s Hand & Palm Treatment? If so, did it work? Are you left with a greasy residue (feeling)?

Hey! Great idea, Get some and let us know how you like it. Ok?

Hey Ty:

Thanks for the heads up!

I didn’t know they had this product. I just ordered a few and plan on putting at least one in my fishing bag to use as a post fishing treatment. Since I fish all winter long I figure it will help with my dry hands as well.

Based on my satisfaction with the Finger Treatment; I’m sure this product is a winner too not to mention the excellent service they give!

I don’t usually give an “OK” about a product unless it really does the job and this one does!!

I have extremely poor skin (allergic to a variety of chems. that are darn near in everthing…it had me changing occupations!!) and this stuff helps a lot! I ordered two little tubs a year ago and gave one to my wife for her fingers. (She has her ‘ladies stuff’ so I took it back! G)

It does a really good job and I’ve not felt it was greasy or messy when left over from tying. The stuff really does do the job. It won’t cure (my) particular troubles, not much will but it helps a lot.

I wish they made it in the gallon size!


But has this product something special for fly tiers?, or isn’t any diferent to other cosmetologic hand treatments…

maybe you con get the same stuff by asking your Avon consultant

I use a natural product ;

It is sold in woodworking shops.

Badger healing balm; organic virgin olive oil, beeswax,castor oil,aloe,essential oils of sweet birch.

I get really chapped hands in fall ,and winter, and find this stuff really works for me!

It does not leave a greasy film on my hands. use a little often, not a lot once in a while.

It is made in New Hamshire

There is a 1-800 number on the can, if anyone wants to inquire.


Wishing all a productive tying season!


Like the others I had never heard of it. The only product I’ve ever tried is Zim’s Crack cream, got a free sample and it worked really good.


I am going to order a tub today. I’ll let you know how it works.

I got my dad’s skin. Hands and especially the finger tips dries out bad causing them to crack and bleed. It’s a gauge for the coming of winter and when it heals completely, I know spring as arrived.


I never tried there hand cream, but my youngest daughter swears by there lip balm; she say’s that it is the greatest thing since my home made cupcakes!

Take care,

I will personally recommend “Bag Balm”. No this isn’t a joke, it was originally made for cattle. The stuff is great for dryed and chapped skin (all places), and I love it. It’s available at many grocery stores, and is fairly inexpensive. It does leave a film on the skin for 10 or 15 minutes, but it nevered bothered me.

Have fun fishin’!!

Just to update some of you that are unfamiliar with the Yosemite Fly Tyers products; read [url=]this[/url:52bfb].

The Yosemite Fly Tyer’s Finger Treatment is made ESPECIALLY for fly tyers and does everything it is supposed to and then some. It is a treatment to eliminate rough finger tips for fly tying. It has an added benefit of not being greasy or leaving residue IF used properly and it does help to keep your finger smooth with regular use. It AIN’T like any other products you have tried out there which are basically just moisturizers that help with dryness but don’t make the roughness that will fray thread or floss; just disappear.

If you haven’t tried it you really should; it is awesome stuff.

The Hand & Palm Treatment is a different product from the same company and appears to me to be a product more in line with a moisturizer to keep your hands soft with obvious fly tying benefits. I think those of us who are happy with the way the finger treatment has worked are wildly enthusiastic and optimistic that the Hand & Palm Treatment will also be a smashing success.

I am anxiously awaiting the order I placed today! I’m sure TyroneFly will have great results to post!

There is also one called…“Udderly Smooth”

I just placed my order. I’ll keep you posted as to the results.

I have used bag balm years ago. Avon does not support FAOL. The Finger Treatment stuff is unlike anything else in the world. They are chemists. I still love their stuff, what ever it is. Funny thing; it still lasts three days when I use it.

bag balm is petroleum jelly with lanolin, and antibiotic in it. Just know because the power that be tried to get it band form dairys, I grew up on a dairy and ran the milking barn for a while.

TyroneFly: I have Yosemite Brand cream and I think it works great!

I got my Hand & Palm Treatment today! Incredible service; dirt cheap shipping and I also got a free sample of the Finger Treatment!

I tried it and so far I like it but I’ll let TyroneFly give the official review when he gets his.

Good stuff guys!

I have suffered from dry cracked skin in the winter. A dermatologist recommended a product called Theraplex Emollient. It’s pretty expensive initially ($12 or so) but a tube lasts a very long time. While it’s non-prescription, one usually has to ask the pharmacy to order it. One applies this stuff before going to sleep. It’s kind of waxy and sticky, but it works. Three or four days later wounds are healed. I then continue to use is prophylactically to keep the rough skin issue at bay.

Just received mine as well with the free sample and a hand written thank you on the package. :smiley: I’ll be giving it a try starting today and will write about my results in about a week.

Swan, looks like you might try this product. 8)