FLY TYER Profile

I just read the article about you by David Klausmeyer from Fly Tyer magazine. David did a excellent job of writing the article, because your not the kind of person that can be explained that easy. :smiley: Even though I am your neighbor, not exactly friend, I visited your office/shop, a few yrs ago, and my impression of you was that you are a special person. Ronn Iā€™m happy that you have got this recognition because you deserve it!
You are a dedicated hard worker and a fine artist.
I am proud to live in the same town as you.

Thanks Doug. I recall the visit you mention. Hope all is well with you. To be on the last page of Fly Tyer is a huge honor, a thrill and a bit embarasing all at the same time. I donā€™t do anything all that different than the rest of you guys do. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think anyone would think high enough of me to do this. I will say it is pretty cool but donā€™t worry, I wonā€™t let it go to my head!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Be very proud of that article! Your sharing and being helpful to others is what put you where you are and made for the article. Thanks to the article, I am able to put another face to a name! :smiley:

Job well done.

Pretty good article, but David K missed a huge part of Ronn in his article. We know this was focused on Ronn as a tyer, and in that sense it was well done. But as FAOLā€™rs, other tying forum participants, and local fly tyers know, Ronn is always willing to help tyers get started and help where he can. His ā€œpass alongā€ credits are innumerable.

Ronn has a unique place in the world of fly tying art ā€¦ it might be considered fusion, or the jazz of fly tying, merging multiple materials and pushing the edge of fly shape and design.

Ronnā€™s hook manufacturing is unique in the world. I donā€™t believe there is any one individual in the world that can produce 10-12 thousand hooks a year in 100 plus styles and sizes, other than Ronn. Kudos goes to Ron Reinhold who developed the process, but now Ronn carries the torch and that makes him pretty unique. There are not to many people that can say that they are the only one (of what ever) in the world.

And by the way ā€¦ Ronn makes a homemade sausage thatā€™s really good, has a tying material collection to die for and is the proud owner of a new hot rod.

Maybe we need to hit Klausmeyer with a request for a follow up on the signifigance of the Hook manufacturing.

I have not received my copy of Fly Tyer yet. :frowning: I hope it is there today when I get home. I am looking forward to reading about Ronn.

Ronn you are as modest as the day is long. Your recognition is well deserved.

It is truly wonderful that a larger part of the flytying world will know about your talent, Ronn.

HOT ROD? HOMEMADE SAUSAGE? Remember we used to be best buddies??? I always thought you were the BEST of the BEST! :lol: :lol:
Iā€™m glad to hear more details about you and Iā€™m not surprised. Just donā€™t step on the gas too hard in first gear!
Doug :smiley:

Congradulations, and I want to say that you truely deserve the recognition being the true artist that you are. Iā€™m glad to say that that I have the honor of knowing you.
Youā€™re a great guy and I wish you all of the best!
Randy Diefert