Fly swap of the month-March

Since March is almost here im posting this so you can get working on your March flies the theme is Catskill style flies. Any pattern you choose will be good, all the standard rules apply. When you post your fly i will pm you my address. Please make sure the flies are mailed at least 2 weeks to 10 days before the end of the month to insure they get here thanks so much.

1.Samfrank6-zebra wing devil *received
2.ibrb-light hendrickson #14 *received
3.jdulach-leadwing coachman *received
4.johnR-catskill *received
5.bobbymojo-adams #14 *received
6.feltsole-dark cahill *received
7.sirrom-firehole *received
8.Danny Gober-gray fox
9.Gigmaster-Ausadle wulff
10.nyfisherman-Royal wulff
11.Fishnfool9 adams *received
12.den-ginger quill #14 *received

I’ll submit a light cahill.

May I jump in on this swap? I’ll have to let you know in a day or two what I’ll tie.


Yep, you have been added in for bassman.

leadwing coachman

My pattern for March Light Hendrickson # 14

Please sign me up for an Adams size 14.


Since bassman was going to tie this week’s fly of the week for this swap, I’ll be tying the “catskill” for him. Thanks for letting me join the swap. JohnR

I’ll go with a dark cahill fanwing from Eric Austin’s website. never tied a fanwing before so wish me luck.

My tie will be the “Firehole”.
Hook: Standard dry
Thread: Cream or Black
Wing: Speckled mallard, teal or wood duck (I’m using teal)
Tail: Same as wing
Body: Cream fox fur dubbing
Hackle: Grizzly


Put me down for a Gray Fox Dan

Do any of the Wulf patterns qualify as a Catskill style? If so, I’d like to do an Ausable Wulf, in size 12.

did everyone get my address if not let me know please

Stupid new guy question: Do you mean mail these by 14 March, when you say two weeks before the end of the month?

If so, I’ll offer a blue wing olive.

Could I please be added to the swap I’m going to be tying my own pattern it’s the zebra winged devil!

PM sent to samfrank6 and 10ae1203 with info on our SOTM group.

I received the flies from Samfrank6 today thank for joining in on the swap

Well i am still thinking about what fly to tie. I will have it picked out this weekend. Need to sit down and thumb through a few books and find a pattern.

If you sent me your address i didnt get it,


received flies from IBRB today in the mail thank you for joining the swap

I am in the peak of my busy season with work so i haven’t got around to deciding what pattern to tie. But yes i am still in. sorry for the wait.