Fly Stands

I made a couple of fly drying stands today. I got the alligator clips for .99 cents for a packet of five. I got the wood, and drilled holes, and used dowel sticks from the craft store to make hold the clips. If you make small flies you can put quite a few on one block. Sometimes my flies are kind of big, so I only put 9 clips per board on them. I saw the same clips at Home Depot for 2 dollars for two clips. So if you need a lot, go to Harbor Freight like I did. Oh the dowel sticks are cheaper at the hobby stores too. I used 3 sticks and cut them in five inch lengths. Those sticks were .29 cents a piece. Anyway, it is a cheap way to have a place to put your flies after you tie, and want the head cement to dry. Also if you go to a tying event, you can show off your flies with it if you would like to. _________________________

Great idea and will serve its purpose well I’m sure!!!

That looks pretty neat! I just use a piece of foam that’s used in the bottom of a vase to hold fake flowers. It’s about 3" high, 4" in diameter… works like a champ, but it doesn’t look nearly as nice as yours for presentation.

Thanks. I was using styrofoam, but eventually it wears out. That is another reason I wanted to make these. These look much better than what I was using too.