I can’t believe it, but my cat chewed the line on my fly rod and now I have to replace. The family won’t let me use cat gut. I have a 9 foot 5 wt St. Croix Ultra Legend with a Ross Cimmaron reel. I fish mostly dry and shallow nymp out west forcutts. So send me your recommendations for a new line.
I’ve had great success with Rio Flyline.
Black Gnat
scientific anglers mastery series trout !!!
Personally, I’d vie for the cat gut. A new cat is much cheaper. Sometimes free
nothing wrong with cortland 444 peach color
I’ve got the SA Mastery on two rods and the Cortland 444 on two others. Each performs well for me, but I must admit that teh Mastery series lines are more slippery and require less cleaning. I’ve heard lots of people are satisfied with Rio as well. I guess it would really be up to you as to how much you want to spend.
I have Scientific Anglers Ultra 4. I’m very satisfied, and it is just a good all purpose line.
I am willing to spend about $60 and will try ebay and other online resources. So far I can get Cortland 555 with a dyna tip for $40 with shipping. Any opinions on the 555?
Dear slough foot,
Yes, it’s not half as good as the old 444 Peach.
Best Wishes,
I have reels spooled with RIO, SA, & Wulff Triangle Taper. I have no complaints about any of them. While I don’t (yet) fish any Cortland lines, I’m sure they are fine too. Don’t scrimp on a good line & all the companies mentioned make some very nice lines.
Is there a way to see the date on the 555? The first ones that came out are different than the ones out now. The line was changed slightly, and the ones rolling off now are great. Don’t get me wrong about the Peach 444. That’s a super line, too.
I have been sticking with SA Mastery lines: trout, GPX, and XPS…for the past few years. BUT…I fished a new line from another FAOL sponsor yesterday and was VERY impressed. It is a high-floating WF5F from Elkhorn. I got a new 5wt 9’ 4pc Nomad rod and T-2 reel from Elkhorn, and just had Brian go ahead and load it with his WF5F line. And I gotta tell you this is one SWEET rod and reel combo! I can’t believe this rod is $129! I was fishing high water below a hydro dam with probably 5000 cfs flow, doing a LOT of roll casting against the bank and a little overhead and sidearm casting when I could…swinging streamers and drifting heavy nymphs under an indicator. And I was impressed with how softly this line laid down the heavy terminal tackle. Turnover with this line was GREAT. I usually have to open up my loops when casting heavy nymphs and indicators to prevent tailing loops on the forward cast just due to the weight. Not so with this line. I could throw tight loops without fear. I’m hoping to fish some dries and soft hackles today in slower water.
I’d go with Cortland’s 444 peach-colored line. It’s readily available in most fly shops and has an excellent slick coat. 8T
Diane…can you elaborate on that…I have two …one is certainly one of the early ones and one is a little newer…
I have found that the material of the tip fractures right by the knot [line to leader] no matter what knot I have used…I believe others have reported that here also…maybe you were one of them?
Any opinions on lines with interchangeable tips such as the Rio VersiTip?
beware of the cortland 555. had the clear one, stripped off and threw it in the trash.
I really like the SA Mastery series lines. I recommend them highly.
I have an XPS DT3F, an XPS WF4F, and a Trout WF5F. I honestly cannot say that there is a real difference between the XPS & the Trout for accurate casting. The XPS is however very good in cold water with low memory.
I also had an Ultra 4 in DT3F that I gave to my Dad on a TFO 7’6" 3wt a couple of years ago. That line was pretty good and I upgraded to the XPS when I bought another TFO 3wt. There is a big difference between the Ultra 4 and the XPS.
The Trout WF5F completely changed my attitude about my 9’ Redington Wayfarer 5wt. The Trout line improved the overall fishing experience over my old Cortland line. It is quieter and lands softer with more accuracy.
I have the SA Mastery gpx on my Legend Ultra 9’ 5 wt. You will be happy with it. This line is built for the faster rods, is very slick and casts nicely. The tip does sink after a while, don’t know if all lines do that.
the tip on mine doesnt sink!
but i dress mine on every trip out… so i dont know if you do that but it might solve your problem
An S.A. WF5F!