I’ve never seen the backing on some of my reels. I mean, I remember putting it on there and I can see it through the holes but it’s never actually gone through the guides. Outside of dacron and gel-spun is there an alternative to these that people use? Cheap…25lb kite string ? Might be a ridiculous Idea…worth a shot though. Have medalist spools to fill 3 1495’s and 2 1494’s, it got me wondering.
I hear you, and understand your point of view.
A while back I was fishing for yellow perch with my 3 wt rod., and hooked a carp, Can you say FREIGHT TRAIN!!
Gave both my rod and backing a work out!
Now I think that backing is a must,
Take care,
I’ve never seen my backing either, but you never know what will apear hanging on your line. My brother actually caught a striped bass while we were trout fishing.
Chris I know it’s entirely possible…and carp are around me too. My daughter and I are after them, she’s 4 and the carp are bigger than her. Honestly I think she would be mortified if we ever brought one up.Although carp could be considered “cute” like a fish with baby’s lips…I’ll just search out some cheap dacron.
A lot of my freshwater reels have dacron ice fishing line for backing
I pick it up in the spring when tackle shops close out their winter gear
It’s thicker and stronger than regular backing, 40# test I think.
A smaller amount takes up more space on the reel, but you still have some backing for when you need it
I would stick with backing. Mine never goes through the guides either, but I consider it fly line insurance. I would hate to lose a line because I put some cheap junk on for backing. I caught a 28 inch Striper on my 4 wt while trout fishing. I saw some backing on that outing!
You can buy, at a price considerably less than fly line backing, 20# dacron fishing line, commonly used on level wind reels. Couple dollars per hundred, and if you take your reel in to a sporting goods store, they may wind it on for you for free.
Before large arbor reels came along, I thought backing was important even if you never saw it. It was sort of a larger diameter seat for the flyline. One that wouldn’t expand when wet to stretch your line and the larger, softer seat for the flyline would help prevent coiling. Don’t know if I remember right. Don’t know if all that is poppycock now we have large arbor reels. Don’t know much history. Don’t know much biology. Don’t know much about the French I took…
Oops, there I go again.
Right on…if you are in a situation where getting into backing is not a real issue…do what DG says…but be sure and use something that won’t mildew…
Also note this thread is not about backing or no backing…just what to use…
The only downside I see is that DG’s suggestion…[which I do…well I do wind my own]…is that it is a bigger diameter so you put on less…if that’s a concern then do something else.
Remember…it depends on what you are targeting…
Yeah, but remember, Duck, that he, like me, never actually USES the backing.
I buy backing on clearance and replace it every other line, or thereabouts.
DG…I’m agreeing with you???
I bought bulk backing off of Ebay and have been happy with the IGFA green dot dacron at substaintial savings. I did a quick search and saw this: http://cgi.ebay.com/Cortland-Fly-Line-Backing-20-test-1200yd-Bright-White_W0QQitemZ380058252597QQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116
I bought a 500 yard spool and not from this seller. The above was just one example. Good luck on whatever you find.
bigger diameter…put on less…but if he never sees it anyway…
never try to understand replies I post after 5 pm unless I have had a nap.:rolleyes:
if you have backing on a reel you are actually USING it in a way to provide a foundation to make the reel into basically a “large arbor”, even if you will never see the backing due to a large fish spooling you.
backing will help out in minimizing coils in the fly line.
if the kite string is a synthetic material why not put it on?? i wouldnt use a cotton string tho. it might rot eventually
I have an issue with backing also. Probably nobody counts the amount of backing…just buys a reel and has the fly shop put on line and backing. Of course being anal as I am…I counted the backing on my Ross CO1 reel. I think this is the smallest reel they make. Bought used over FAOL for panfish…namely Bluegill. It has 165 rards of backing and 30 yards of fly line plus a leader and tippet. Really now! Do I need 585’ of line to fish for bluegill? I can just see a roadway sign…divided highway 500’ ahead. The reel works but something seems unsettling to have almost 600’ of line to fish for bluegill. I am not a fan of small reels to crank a whole lot to get line in. I have been into backing several times…but sure don need 495’ of it. I wish someone would make a large arbor lightweight reel for 1-4 wts. I have been pondering how to fill up a reel with something…plastic, foam, whatever to have more of a large arbor and need less backing…but I suppose nothing is lighter than backing. Just irks me to have to have that much backing on a reel to fish for small fish.
Here is the cheapest backing I have found thus far - 500 yd for $15 for the 20# and for $20 in the 30# size: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_25198_175003001_175000000_175003000_175-3-1
Good Luck!
Ive been using power pro on a big capacity saltwater reel and havent broken it yet—it will slip on the arbor if you dont put a base of mono on the spool so it wont spin as a unit—the only thing i worry about is the diameter is so small that an albie or a bonefish will make a long run and turn it into a finger slicer.
Funny you said that. I have used kite string as backing for my saltwater reels. I can’t see how it wouldn’t work.
Ha! I was flying a kite with my daughter the other day and it crossed my mind…
[ I have been pondering how to fill up a reel with something…plastic, foam, whatever to have more of a large arbor and need less backing…but I suppose nothing is lighter than backing. Just irks me to have to have that much backing on a reel to fish for small fish.[/QUOTE]
How about sheet cork? just cut some strips to fit the reel spool and fill up the spool to you are where you want to be.