To each their own I say. I should think however that the challenge of casting a live hopper without flipping it off the hook would be quite substantial compared to flinging one that is artificial and securely wrapped on. A very deft touch required indeed. I have never done it, but I may give it a try this season. That being said, in my youth my cousins and I would fish for little wild brookies in a two hop stream near their home. The method we used was #12 hook with a scrap of worm, above 1 or 2 tiny split shot. Extend your pole through the alders, let the line out about 8 feet, and drift it down the current. “Dapping” maybe? You truly could not see much of what was going on in the water due to the thickness of the alders. If your 8 foot drift brought nothing after a couple tries, pull out, fight through the alders about 10 feet, and repeat. half an hour usually resulted in enough for lunch for the three of us.
Who are these self- appointed purists?
Pritt ‘North Country Flies’ 1885 -
Chapter I Description of the Flies
*Chapter II Bustard Fishing & Minnow Fishing.
*Chapter III Creeper and Stone-fly Fishing
*Chapter IV Upstream Worm Fishing
Three Anglers ‘How to Catch Trout’ 1888 -
Chapter I Wet or Sunk Fly Fishing
Chapter II Dry Fly Fishing
*Chapter III Worm Fishing
*Chapter IV Minnow Fishing
*Chapter V Creeper and May Fly Fishing
Edmonds & Lee ‘Brook & River Trouting’ 1916 -
Chapter I Flies
Chapter II Fly Fishing
*Chapter III Creeper and Stone Fly Fishing
*Chapter IV Upstream Worm Fishing
*Chapter V Minnow Fishing
W. H. Lawrie ‘Border River Angling’ 1939 -
Chapter I Nymphing & Wet Fly Angling
Chapter II Dry Fly Fishing
*Chapter III Worm Fishing & Natural Lures
*Chapter IV Minnow Fishing
Chapter V Night Angling
Garrow-Green ‘Trout Fishing in Brooks’ approx. 1890-1905 -
Chapter I Introductory
Chapter II The Brook Angler’s Equipment
Chapter III Prelim. Notes
Chapter IV Dry Fly
Chapter V Wet Fly
*Chapter VI Clear Water Worm Fishing
*Chapter VII The Worm in Spate
*Chapter VIII Dapping
*Chapter IX Minnow-fishing
Chapter X Sea-trout
Chapter XI Conclusions
*All Chapters on bait fishing
The last, I picked up cheap in a second hand book shop in Edinburgh.
Originally for the picture, I later realised the book was quite good for itself.
The author was a British Army officer, late 19th c, a real ‘pukka sahib’, from the picture.
He wasn’t ashamed of worm fishing.
Note the bait box at his waist.
I first drowned a worm in 1947. I can’t remember what kind of rod I used.
I don’t feel like it’s a confession. I was a kid fishing.
It would seem as though anybody who feels as though it’s a confession. Is the purist.
I will let out a bit of a secret I found
read about I beleive in Waltons book.
He would us a old tabacco can filled with
sand to store caddis larva in.
Cased caddis, find one under a rock break it openget the larva out and through it out into the
water. It is fun to see the rises you get.
I would think you could put it on your fly but
myself I choose to use a imatator that comes close.
If you choose to bait your hook with one be sure it is leagal first. It would be consedered taking sample
insects and using live bait, duh!
Kind regards and Happy Hearts
Mr. Molcsan,
I am sure if you came across the right warden you’d have a fine for chumming too.
Many years ago, I used the Worm and eggs on my SPINNING outfit.
But one time fly fishing and I was hooked for the rest of my life. No More Bait
I fish several rivers in Idaho, where my nephew will through on a worm or corn or whatever and catches a bunch. Being the stubborn peraon that I am, I stick with the flies.
As years go by, I learn more and more which helps my choice of what flie to use and upped my catch rate.
In fact, I fished a local lake this last weekend, that houses White Bass, Catfish and Carp. A Dream for bait chuckers.
I got out there and tried all the bright colors and white that were recommended.
Looking at the water I am seeing a bunch of snails, so I switched to a Bead Head Prince and a Haresear in a size 14 on an Intermediate line.
Caught several HUGE Carp and White Bass.
I will admit, I thought smelly jelly, but again I am stibborn and I feel that that is a COP OUT.
I chose to Fly Fish and that is all I do. Been much happier, not to mention my hands and nails look and great 8)
I agree no more bait. I don’t eat the fish I catch, and bait usually kills the fish.
In sticking to flies only. I have to use my spinning outfit on the lake, because my shoulder won’t let me use a fly rod. I just can’t get it out there far enough, and it’s always windy here.
So, I use nothing but bubble and fly. I’m having amazing success. I use a medium bubble, 7ft 5X floro leader and mostly #6 Woolly Buggers.
What I enjoy the most is the bait guys are just sitting there bored and catching nothing. I’m having fun casting my flies and catching nice 14"-18" rainbows. Even when they get a fish it’s always small. I love it…
When I started flyfishing (late 60’s early 70’s) I also used bait from time to time. As catching was hard, this was an effective method for catching dinner.
Ah yes the bait haters have arrived.
No hate here, do what you want. I FLY FISH that is all. It is a Fly Fishing Forum.
Actually, the way they do it here. Yes! 50% of them here don’t eat the fish. The use tiny treble hooks with Power Bait. The trout swallow the hook, and they just yank it out. Obviously, it kills the fish everytime. They just leave the fish laying there.
This is a recreation area 50 miles from the LA area. We get tons of people from there. All they do is come up here to kill the fish.
They aren’t my favorite kind of people.
Your post is being hijacked.
Gramps! I visited Big Bear once and my favorite memory is that little bar downtown where they brew their own brewhaha and have one they make with an orange peel. We sucked down several by the fireplace if memory serves me right. Is it still there? WONDERFUL place! I think they sold them in a mini-keg, which we bought and it was gone in all but a couple days.
I’m not familiar with it, but i’m not a drinker. I’m trying to be kind to my body now for all the abuse it got earlier.
Yup, I still use bait if it is producing better than flies. My hero and mentor is Joe of Joe’s Worms & Juicy Grubbs & Special Protein Drink & Furled Trot Lines.
WHEN did Joe expand from just worms to Juicy Grubs, Special Protein Drink and Furled Trot Lines???
Why doesn’t anybody tell me anything?
Doug :?: :oops:
Doug, Joe is an advanced entrepreneur. His Special Protein Drink is now available in Smooth & Extra Chunky. It is rumored to have caused the breech in the New Orlean’s levis. The Iranians were interested in it until the CIA bought it all out. Joe is big business now.
Do you know if I can get Joe’s Newsletter???
Also any info about Furled Trotlines would be appreciated.
Doug :roll: :oops:
I gotta say it again “Fly Anglers On Line”. How can you guys keep talking LIVE bait.
I have nothing against bait fishermen/women (whatever gets you through the night) and I don’t concider myself an elitist by any means, but I FLY FISH. Fly Rod, Fly Reel, Fly Line-s, Fly Leader and …you guessed it A FLY.
Kinda figured that is what FAOL was.
Go easy on them FG.
There is the wink and the smile included, he, he, he,