Fly fishing Pensacola Fl

Heading to Pensacola FL next weekend to try a little fishing over by the fort and had a few questions.
Do I have to have a fishing lisence to fish salt?
What flies are good in the area (my first real salt flyfishing)?
What would I hope to catch (spieces)?
Any tips or suggestions would really be helpful.

Thank you,

Yes you need a license.
Minnow imitations (clousers and deceivers mostly) or crab/shrimp patterns
Reds, specks, croakers, drum and flounder.
Stay in the shallows on the bay side or the Quiet Beach area.
Pensacola is tough fly fishing (consequently few fly fishing guides) and most folks use commie tackle.
On the gulf side toward Fort Pickens you can fish the surf (again minnow imitations)