What’s your “best” fly fishing injury?
Right now, my middle finger on my left hand is killing me. I’m pretty sure it’s tendinitis from stripping line all day the last two days…
It hurts!
What’s your “best” fly fishing injury?
Right now, my middle finger on my left hand is killing me. I’m pretty sure it’s tendinitis from stripping line all day the last two days…
It hurts!
I’m attempting to find words that sound like they may hold just one iota of sympathy … but I can’t find any!! All that comes out is “HA! That’s what you get for fishing when the rest of us are grumpy from shack nasties!!!”
I’ve been through a steroid regime, am taking a ton of Advil, and now sleep in an ultra-sexy stainless steel wrist brace for carpal tunnel that appears to be aggravated by pitching Clousers with my 8wt. My trout rods don’t seem to bother me, though.
I’ve got a really cool scar on my neck from a fellow who was “one-hand spey casting” his five weight rod and sunk two barbs of the treble hook on his Panther Martin into me, then promptly removed it via his “forward” cast.
I have a pretty serious case of carpal trout syndrome, but I haven’t fished that much in the past year, so it has healed nicely.
I once pierced my ear with a #6 tungsten conehead slumpbuster. Luckily there were no witnesses.
The severest injuries I have suffered during fly fishing were to my pride and ego. Thankfully
the injuries, though severe, healed completely with application of warm compresses of successful fishing days ( and a bit of single malt, just to make sure).
Even Marco’s wife has suffered a fly fishing injury…I was there!
If the Doc gave you an anti-inflammatory drug such as Mobic, note that they block both Advil and Aleve. Tylenol will be your, most likely, best pain reliever.
I hooked myself in my left eye lid . Its amazing how much a little hook can hurt.:roll:
Suggest you try a 2hander euro-action spey rod for those big clousers. Really helped my hand and shoulder by distributing the work load across both limbs and the slower motion needed by the long spey rod.
Good luck
I had not considered that, thanks. Seriously. One question though, can you chuck an ultra-fast sinking line with a spey rod? I thought the techniques were only really used with floaters?
Good evening.
I find it totally hard to understand why more people haven’t allowed themselves to discover the EASE and thrill of using a Double Handed fly rod be it for the salt or freshwater, its so easy and opens another World of fly casting people have never dreamed about before !
Use a beautiful Double and say goodbye to that pain in the arm to your bum, its an easy casting tool where your friend is the rod’s length.
Myself, todate nothing hurt on this body, and trust with care nothing happens, this is after about 50years of casting and tricking a fish or three with a funny fishing rod.
Kindest regards,
I’m a klutz streamside. I’m always falling and hurting myself. I refuse to wear waders for the most part so when I’m fishing I’m normally wearing rubber soled sneakers or sandals. Not the greatest traction in the world. I think it was on my last trip to the Madison that I broke my record for falls. Hooked into a nice fish and it started taking me downstream. Fell 7 times before I landed that nice brownie. I thought I broke my nose but I never saw a doctor.
A few years back, I developed a cist on the end of my wrist (non casting) bone, and was scheduled to have it removed surgically. I decided to get in some fishing before the operation as I knew I would not be able to after. While battling a medium sized rainbow, I slipped on a algae clad rock and went down. During the doing of the “rainbow stumble”, I instictively put my hand down to brace myself. My full weight down on my wrist caused the cist to burst. Results: upon going to the doctors, thinking I had done irrepairable damage, I was informed that surgery was no longer needed, just antibiotics to control any infection that might occur. None did. So I guessed it meant that fishing is the best medicine for all that ails you.
That makes my toenails curl backwards just thinking about it. Not the mental image I wanted for a quiet Sunday morning. I hope there was no lasting damage. Ain’t that eye blink reflex a great thing? 8T
Kaboom ( Brad), ( referring to a post on page 1)
Her pain ( wife’s) from that injury has now receded to about 8 or 9 shooting pains a day. Just enough to remember WHO caused her suffering. All the operations and post operative therapy seem to be helping a bit. She does want to MEET you again at the MIFI.
PS: For the curious, Brad impaled a 01 clouser minnow into my wife’s cheek. Well, maybe it was a #28 PMD BUT it hurt anyway.
Always, always, wear protective eye gear!! My reaction to reading that was similar to 8T. Eeewwwwww!
I have hooked my wife once:roll:.
Horrible!! It hurt ME for weeks!!! Sometimes when she remembers it still hurts me.
For me, other than a little tennis elbow one time, just the basic hook in the flesh. Both didn’t have the barbs pinched down.
One - a big wooly bugger - in the back of the ear that also went through the thing that goes around the neck and helps keep the sun glasses on so it was attached to my head real well. My wife got that one out and she didn’t mind a bit that it kind of hurt.
The second was a #4 Bow River Bugger into my hand while fishing in the wind of Chile. This one was really embedded good and deep. I knew when I felt the line running past my hand what was going to happen next. The guide used the ole leader trick to get that out.
Both times, barbs not pinched down and both times fishing sinking lines.
a couple years back I was wet wading in an very cold mountain stream. I stumbled in the water and the current pulled the front of my river sandals down and back exposing my toes which came down on a jagged piece of rock in the stream. I sliced open my foot pretty good… which made the 2 mile hike out all the more fun.
I bought the simms/keen sandals after that. Gotta love that closed toe box.