Fly Fishing in Ontario

Hello again,
Yes, it’s close to winter and I am back to the board since I don’t get to fish that often over the winter. This time I have a question about fly fishing in Ontario, Canada. Has anyone been to Sowden Lake near Ignace, ON and fished for walleye, pike, and smallies on the fly? My fishing buddies and I are going there next August and I am overly anxious to get going. Hence the question. My understanding is that most of the time spinning gear is recommended but of course I’m not one to give up the fly gear just on somebody’s say so. Any help out there?
Rev Mike

Rev Mike:
I make a trip up to Northern Ontario. Best as I can make out, a couple hundred miles to the east of where you’re going.
I guess I split my fishing 60-40 spinning vs fly fishing depends on the weather and how windy it is.
I bring a 6 wgt(smallies and walleye) and an 8 wgt(mainly pike)with me. I’ve got spools for floating, intermediate and depth charge sinking lines for the 6 wgt and a floating and intermediate line for the 8 wgt. That said I’ve caught most of my pike on the 6 wgt while fishing for smallies. Largest pike on the fly so far has been 28 inches, and the largest smallie, 15 inches. Walleye I really don’t fish for with the fly rod that often, as they are usually in 15 to 25 feet of water when I go up in mid to late July. I’ve caught one so far, all of 14 inches long.
If there are just two in the boat it’s very doable. Three’s definitely a crowd if the other two are spin fishing.
I fish a pretty good size lake and a couple of smaller lakes connected to it. Most of my fly fishing is done in the shallower bays or around structure on the main lake. In the bays, I look for sandy or rocky bottoms, fallen timber, beaver lodges, preferably active ones, are a magnet for both smallies and pike, points that drop off into 10 or 15 feet of water…Weed beds are few and far between. On the main lake, I look for rocky points, or mid-lake shoals or humps. The bass will be on top or along the sides If there are any houses, then docks or boat houses often hold fish.
Mostly I fish the intermediate or sinking line, but at times I can get some top water action, especially after a windy day, when the lake flattens to sheet of glass in the evening.
Flies range from 3 inches to 9 inches. Mostly salt water bait fish patterns of my own design. I also tie some large Siliclones, Deer Hair and Hollow Fleyes for pike. Pencil Poppers, large Sneaky Pete’s tied 1/0 hooks, Gurglers. I’d definitely bring some crayfish patterns, leech patterns. Try and find out what the primary forage fish in the lake are. On the lake where I go, Ciscoes, suckers, yellow perch, various minnows, crayfish, and leeches are on the menu. You might run into a Hex hatch, but August is kind of late for one.
Try and get a topo map of the lake, if you can, and spend some time studying.
Almost forgot walleyes, tough on the fly rod. Mostly an evening thing on Lady Evelyn Lake. We either drift, anchor up or troll for them. If you’re drifting then you might want to give casting the fly line and letting it drift. It needs to be pretty close to the bottom.
Good Luck. I know I’m counting the days off till my trip.

Hey Philly,
Thanks for the info. It was just what I was looking for. I don’t think it matters if you fish a couple of hundred miles east. I’ve heard that up there if you throw a bare hook into a mud puddle you’ll catch what we south central PAers call a trophy. Again, thanks for the great info. It’ll help a lot. Now does someone know how to calm me down until I get to go?
Rev Mike

Fly Rods - don’t leave home without them … especially on a fishing trip.

Take a 8 or 9wt for the walleye and pike. 6 wt for bass. In Aug. floating lines and intermediate sink-tip lines should be ok for pike and bass. Walleye, you’ll need some ty. IV or ty. VI full sink lines.

For flies: minnow patterns, leech patterns, dahlbergs, poppers. Take a look at - there’s a guy over there that just loves his pike and walleye. Stu has a couple good articles there, as well as some fly patterns he uses in the shield waters.

As for calming you down … uh-uh - not even going to try. Good luck.

thanks for your posts. Your comments and especially your photos are beautiful. I’ve seen your posts on other boards as well as FAOL. ALthough I live in northern MI I’m a tad envious of your visits to beautiful places and the wonderful fish you find. Keep it up and thanks much for sharing.


Thanks Bill…although it looks like that particular post got wacked…

Littlebrook, you know that the LF and I were in your city this past summer while at the Michigan FI. :smiley:

Hi JC,
My wife and I very happily remember meeting you and your lovely lady, LF, at the FishIn. I also remember that you were headed to Rogers City (10 miles from here)on Thursday, the same day we had to return home.
Great FishIn and meeting JC and LF was a very special treat. Thanks much.


Thanks Darrell,
It’s good to get some info from someone who lives up there. I’ll be sure to check out the website you posted for some ideas.
Still chompin’ at the bit,
Rev Mike

Well, keep me posted - August is our usual holiday time where the plant slows down … who knows - Ignace is only a 4-5 hr drive to the east … and I’m due for a few trips next year :wink:

(best tidbit I received is to cast into weed pockets, and work them outwards … then hang on. It’s 50/50 what hits you, likely bass - but either way, the surface explosion is adrenalin boosting enough).
