I’ve used the palomar knot to tie fluorocarbon to the fly. Suggestions on the best knot to use when tying the fluoro tippet to a swivel where you can’t use a palomar knot. Thanks for your help.
I’ve used the palomar knot to tie fluorocarbon to the fly. Suggestions on the best knot to use when tying the fluoro tippet to a swivel where you can’t use a palomar knot. Thanks for your help.
Improved Clinch knot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV2baROgoPc
I use an improved clinch if I can live with a little loss in strength. If I want a 100% connection I us a non-slip mono loop knot.
2x through the eye of the swivel forming a loop —then wrap the tag 4 times around the doubled side of the loop
i use that knot when tying tippet to the perfection loop in my leader then use a clinch at the fly----if snagged and broken off, it almost always breaks at the fly saving having to tie a new tippet
So why can’t you use the palomar?
Here are some of my favorite knot links:
and of course: http://www.flyanglersonline.com/begin/knots/
What tailingloop said! A fine knot for strength.