Looking for any place that sells floating Poly leaders. Cabelas used to sell these in a “Kit” and separately. They are similar to a furled leader but are not the same in that they come in a 5’ or 6’ section of tapered clear floating line and you just add the tippet you want to use. Anyone know where to still get them?:???:
I haven’t used them, but Orvis sells floating leaders as well as floating tippet material @ www.orvis.com. I tie my own nylon furled leaders that take a paste type floatant due to the furling and float quite well.
I still have some… they come in about 5’ length and there is floating, intermediate and then the sinkers.
I got mine from Cabela’s
but here is another place:
Hi Dave - The Cabela’s poly leaders are made by Airflo. Just do a Google search for them and you’ll find plenty.
FWIW - I played with them pretty extensively a few years ago. I really like the sinking ones for streamers, and still use these to this day. The floating ones work OK in warmer weather. but they’re not the best for a delicate presentation. Remind me to give you one of the shallow water nymph rigs I made out of these - they’re pretty effective…Ed:cool:
Thanks all, just what I was looking for!