I have recently gotten into fishing floating nymphs and can use a little advice. I have been using them as a dropper behind a larger fly like a stimulator. Does anybody have any other methods they use.
I use foam for the wing case. You can get them to susupend or float depedning on the widtgh of the foam you use.
fish4…I’m guessing you do this because you can’t see the fly? You don’t really have to see it to detect strikes…watch where it lands and follow where you think it’s drifting…when you see a boil anywhere near the spot you think it’s at…strike! Give it a try…Jason
Either, like Rick Z said, a foam wing case or just douse an unweighted nymph with flotant and follow it. If it’s pretty small, then continue what you’re doing, or use a small indicator.
Floating nymphs can also be considered emergers. I use them almost exclusively when fishing a hatch, as a dropper off the dun. I often use a simple RS2 pattern of the appropriate body color, with a white, tan, or dun CDC puff to imitate the wing pad and assist in floating the fly. Foam also works well, but not as well as CDC. The combo of the dun and emerger in tandem seems to elicit far more strikes than either fly alone.
If I am not fishing a dry/dropper combo, I’ll sometimes clip a small strip of sticky indicator foam (1/8" wide and 1/2" long) and stick it on the tippett above the floating nymph (or emerger, cripple etc). It floats just enough to keep the fly on top or just below the surface and is easily adjustable to allow the floating nymph to float or drop down up to three or four feet if you need. Plus, if you’re fishing midges, it’s much easier to see than a lot of the smaller dries. I usually fish dry/dropper, but this is another way that works nicely.
Thanks for all the info everyone. HighnDry I have been using a peacock RS2 tied with medium dun CDC and it has been working great on the bottom or in the surface film.