
Some flies I tied





Fantastic flies, I wish I could tie that good. John

Hi CC,

Those flies are beautiful. You should do a Fly Of The Week for the web site. I know I would enjoy it and bet others would as well. Take care & …

Tight Lines - Al Beatty

John, its jus matter of practice, if I can anybody can hehehe I have 2 left hands hehehe

Al, I’ll be honered to do that, specially because there are ties of great tiers such as Dale Beamish


Carpcrazy-with tying like that and you saying that you have two left hands…well I guess your nickname should be “lefty”. :wink:



Would you be willing to post the recipe for that caddis or PM me with it? I LOVE caddis patterns, and yours is really unique. If not, I understand. FOTW is an excellent idea as well.


Joe, no problem here it goes:

Hook: TMC 200R size 12
Thread: 17/0
Underbody: Micro chenille
Abdomen: Natural latex colored with permanent marker
Wingcase:Natural latex colored with markers
Legs: Japanesse legs

When finished colouring varnish it

If you have any doubt contact me here or PM me


Most excellent job of tying !!! As the Canadians say, “Beauty eh” !!!

Awsome effort, very nice.

:smiley: awesome :tieone:'s dude!!!

you should DEFINATLEY do a FOTW. i really like your dragonfly nymph. its nice and would work in warmwater like i fish:D

Those are some of the worst flies I’ve ever seen. Send them to me and I will properly dispose of them. :lol:
Seriously…nice work.

Guys, thanks all for your replies, I’ll be glad to do FOTW, just have to ask Ladyfisher :smiley:

Bugsy what’s your adress???


Wow! Just plain beautiful. 8T :smiley:

Humbled, just simply humbled.


Thanks for the recipe. I’m headed to the bench… :smiley:


thanks guys youare making me blush :oops:

If any one want recipe for any pattern, just ask I’m happy to share :lol:


I agree with 8Thumbs… what a crafty pair o’ hands you have. They’re gorgeous, and thanks for the pic’s.

Cougar, thanks for your coments :smiley: