For some reason I had a lot of trouble getting to your article using Internet Explorer. After several tries I switched to Firefox and got to read your fine literary work. I have got to get back to your country, that’s all there is to it.
As far as that amber refreshment you spoke of, my only experience is with Foster’s. The real stuff, not that export to the States stuff. I understand it’s not the best Amber Refreshment from Down Under, but it’s all my mates from the 5th RAR had at the time. I have since given up the amber refreshments, but the Foster’s brings back some good memories of some very fine folks.
Two of the reasons I stopped drinking the American Amber Refreshments was my 5 day stay at an Australian Sheep Station (plenty of the good stuff served up every evening) and a tour of duty in Germany (very good Amber Refreshment there too, not the diluted export to the USA stuff).
Gig thank you so much for taking us to the Mitta Mitta/Mutta Mutta valley to fish with you fellows. It was a great story and a great read. Those totally Awesome pictures sure helped show off your wonderful country.
It sure made me want to have been there on the trip with you guys.
The only thing I don’t understand about Australia (As if I were a noted authority on Auz ) is how come the water doesn’t fall out of the streams being upside down and all.
I tried to hitchhike to Tasmania once but got stopped when I hit the ocean, Who knew?
Did ya ever stand on a headland with your thumb out trying to flag down a tramp freighter?
Next time I’m going to try it on a runway. How is Quantas for picking up Hitchhikers?
Anyway keep up the writing, its sure nice to get a view of the other side of the world once in a while.
Ps. I am in Canada and the amber refreshments up here are just fine. :lol:
Its exactly the same here, only if you look closely at Gig’s pictures you will see the water actually flows upstream, not down. Other than that, same as Montana I guess. (Tsk tsk)