Fishing In The Snow

Wisconsin Small Stream Opener 2006
Doesn’t look like March
But it is!

Getting the white stuff now. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the Pic.

Hi Spinner, ops

I love fishing in the snow especially toward evening. I don’t think there is anything more relaxing than the snow softly falling all around when I take those last couple of casts for the day. Of course, in Upstate South Carolina, that only happens a couple of times each year. Your picture really captures that tranquil feeling that snow brings. Very Nice! ET :slight_smile:

We’re getting our first taste of real snow this year as well. The new puppy is having a blast trying to catch snowflakes.

In your picture, that is a fine bit of construction done by the local beavers. I assume they had the proper building permits.


We are getting some snow right now. Beautiful photo Spinner. Thanks
REE, I doubt if the Beavers wanted any Dam permits.

I am guy in photo.
The photographer was hdw (acquaintance)

Trout were hitting.

Beautiful pics. I love snow.

i like those snow photos as well. the beaver dam shot really looks good .

I love snow too (but to a point) – guess you have to love snow being up in the Great White North – sure looking like a VERY White Christmas up this way though – winter storm warning for late tonight with 50 cm. of snow expected by end of Sunday – with heavy winds and very cold temperatures – guess that means no steelhead fishing this weekend!!! I can’t wait to be able to join all those other “Snowbirds” and be south where it’s warmer (and you can still fish without that much fear of your guides icing up!!!)

We call it steelheading. Snow is just an added bonus.


good catch!

long battle?

Details please?

That’s kinda a meduim PM steelie, Spinner. Lotsa steelhead stories at


Ya know, Bob, that picture of you is considered ‘a nice day’ on those Michigan streams. That is where I learned my steel-heading too. Out here they fish for them in the summer. Can you just imagine? Bizarre… :slight_smile:
Oh hey, dandy fish by the way. And, did you ever notice the 'spring-tails Bob?

I love the excitement right before you start your venture into the crisp snow! It just seems much quieter then the hustle and bustle of our lives. The delightful smell and look of a beautiful winters day always has a special place in my heart!!!