Fishing In Tennessee

So much for fishing on the Duck or Elk river today, first snow we have seen all year. Now on March 1, 2009 we get nailed with 4 to 5 inches, now all the bread and milk is gone. :frowning:

Nothing worse than more snow when you have cabin fever. My condolences.
All we are suffering from is the cold. That by itself is bad enough. Snow would just about send me over the edge!

Keven unless the rivers froze over 4 or even 10 inches of snow does not call an end to fishing. Now drop your crying towel and get out there and pierce some trout lips.

According to the old tale…When March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb…so, this could possibly be the last of old man winter…

I bet Warren is fishing LOL

Tim, I will guarantee warrenP is sitting in house tying flies and sipping on some sweet tea, If I am wrong sorry about his luck it is only 34 degrees :stuck_out_tongue:

Warren, I hope you are total correct about that statement, I thought we would never see old man winter this year :frowning:

March is a deceitful treachous month, promising beautiful weather one day and freezing rains, sleet and snow the next with a few tornados thrown in to keep things interesting. Way back before Al Gore discover the internet and global warming, some of my college friends and I went swimming in Sardis Lake on March 5, it snowed the next 3 Wednesday in a row. This was 30 miles south of Memphis, that’s as far north as I have lived.

The last big frozen event we had in the Atlanta & B’ham area was March '93. B’ham got 13" of snow and does not own a snow plow, but they haven’t needed on since.

I snowing like a son of a gun at the moment will probably be gone by this time tomorrow and they are predicting 70 degrees Friday; 67 Saturday and sunshine.

The only thing certain about March weather is that it is unpredictable. I live about 2 hours drive north of Popperfly’s location. We barely had enough snow to call it a dusting.

we had a blizzard down here, 2 or 3 inches at least and lasted almost till noon! i will be fishing wednesday thru the week-end.

Head over to the steam plant and catch some skippies and stripe. That’s what I would be doing if my boy wasn’t home from school today sick.

Go catch a fish,

Ah, Skipjack Herring, a.k.a. Tennessee Tarpon. What a fish. Apparently somebody released a world record a few years ago, caught at the Gallatin Steam Plant, and they were unaware of it.

Nashville got about 1/2" of snow, but we are the state capitol and thus we have all of the hot air from politicians to melt it as fast as it lands…
