Fishing Buddies II Future FF

In light of Lotech Joe’s recent post I thought I’d start a thread for photos of our kids, grandkids or even, in Joe’s case, greatgrandkids ready for the holidays. Actually I just like to show off my daughter’s red headed twins. 18 months on Sunday, Dec 14. Incidentally, they and their 16 year old brother (my best fishing buddy) were born on my birthday. :cool:(More Bragging) Merry Christmas, Jim

The kids, grandkids, nieces, and nephews !!! That’s what makes Christmas even more special, and if you can get them on the stream with you, you’re even more blessed !!!
Just have to figure how to get the pics on the post (a great idea) !!!

My three grand-daughters and their mom in the clip. It isn’t flyfishing, and it isn’t very good photography, but it helps them re-live the wonderful day we had on the water, hooking the girls on fishing.

Young Sam’s dad (our son, Vic) and I fished the Ocqueoc River for steelhead and the dying salmon that came upstream. Vic’s family was coming home to visit and grandson Sam asked, “Grandpa, can you find a fish my size?”
Grandpa flipped the fly into the bluegill and rock bass hole and Sam landed them. He’s on the way!