fishable beetles


I like the sound they make when they fall onto the water surface.

Andr?s T.

Andres -

Those are really neat little critters !!

Your art work is just too cool. Hope you share some more of it with us soon.


Hi Andres,

Those beetles look so real you’ve got me reaching for my can of Raid. VERY NICE! 8T :slight_smile:

They look great but how about telling us how you made them.

Hello JohnScott, Eight Thumbsm Ray kunz, thanks very much!

Ray, There is only one problem, the step by step of this fly is going to be published in Danica ( a Spanish fly fishing magazine ). The date for this is November, so I could not post it untill February 2009, nor even at my site. Sorry.

Andr?s T.

This seems like a very unusual situation for information posted in this forum.

Hello Ray, sorry, I can not find another way to answer your question but telling you what is going on.

Andres T.

nice flies!!!

Nice flies!!! These beetles are fantastic Andres, they are so nicely tied and so lifelike.

Are they made with cell foam? what is the shine on them? What is the sound that they make? Well done mate.


Hello Flyguy, Jeanne, thank you!

Jeanne, the abdomen is cell foam, I take it from a camping mattress I bought this summer ( I think I should must buy a new one for next season). The shine on the abdomen is from the foam, I haven?t painted it. The elitra - shield is plastic material; I made them myself as for the legs.
The sound they make is as if you were knocking at the river?s door (there is always somebody to open it).



Yep, they look great. I’m a beetle/ant lover and have experimented a lot.

Looks like those legs are fairly stiff and if they are then the trout will spit them before you know what hit you…

Just an FYI, tiers. They look good though.


Hello Jeremy,

I always have been worried about trout mouths. Those legs could look as stiff as harpoons, but they are not. In fact you can change leg position once you have finished the pattern. The tarsus part of the leg is pressed under a dented plier so you obtain a soft tip. I could tell you that if you take the real bug in your hand and the imitation, the sensation you have on your hand it is the same. This is what I have tryed to achieve.

The elitra (shields) are not hard as nails, they are soft enough to be as real ones. The Abdomen is foam, so you can imagine it on the trout?s mouth.

If you tie fishable realistic, you do not have to think only on how to make the bug real for the fisherman , but also to the trout.

They float on the surface, but you can tie a sinkable one adding some lead wire under the abdomen.

The only hard material you could find is the hook, but in this case it will be too late. LOL

Andres T.

Ahhh, I see you’ve put much thought and consideration into these beetles. Thank you for setting me straight.

I think these are some of the nicest immitations that I’ve seen, made all the more so by your efforts you described. Impressive!

I have resorted to trying many leggy materials to include black paint brush bristles (a NO-NO!!) thinking they would work.

My latest preference goes towards individual pheasant tail barbs in place of deer hair which I found to be too brittle and broke too easily. Colored black with a marker and stroked backwards to allow the tiny hairs to protrude out along the barbule, they are tough and fairly good looking. Not quite like yours but nice enough for my fish.

Thanks for posting this.


I am sure they are good imitations to be fished. I like pheasant tails better than deer hair. just because what you have stated. Brush beistles are very realistic if you work them so but they are too stiff for fishables, I agree with you.

I would like to have a look at your beetles, is it possible?



I will post them tonight when I get home from work. This system at work hangs up ( a company issue) when I have another browser open.

Careful, these aren’t like yours…LOL



These are sloppy against your beetles. I use them and they’ve all taken fish the past two seasons.

One thing I’d like is if they floated a bit higher for visibilty hence the colored post on some.


Hello Jeremy,

I cannot upload a pair of pics I have from beetles I used to fish with three years ago. Anyway, they are like yours, and I still fish them because they catch fish.

Thank you very much for showing your flies!



I did a little looking around today and as luck would have it, I stumbled upon a series of pics you did in a tying sequence.

Also I know of Graham Owen (from a Chris Carlin bamboo rod interest) as my search was about realistic flies and you two just blew me away. You’re both in a league all your own with those incredibly artsy ties, I never knew.

I should’ve never posted…G

Thank you for being so humble. Your artwork is incredible to say the least.


Hi Jeremy, thanks a lot!

Someone, who writes in this site, wrote once…“If you think you are famous, just have a walk at the fifth avenue and see how many people say hello to you”.

I post my latest beetle, a “lady”, it is tied on a 26 hook.


Thanks for the info Andres, I’ll try to copy them if that’s okay, they are the best beetles I have seen for quite a while. I’m quite excited about this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again Andres
