There was a story in todays paper about this. I think you maybe able to read it on this site I am prettty much computer stupid and that is at the top of the page,but I think that will get you there. Basicly the virus is what they call (VHS) viral hemorrhagic septicemia often described as fish EBOLA.
It was found in round gobies and rock bass in Wis. L. Michigan in early June, a few days earlier it was found in some fish outside Millwaukee, and weeks earlier in Musky in the Clear fork Resesrvoir North of Columbus, Ohio.
It was first found in the great lakes in 2005 and caused major fish kills, L. Ontario, L. Eirie and L. St Clair.
State and federal officials have banned,transportation of fish and baits among lakes and require cleaning of boats and equipment after fishing in these waters. The fact that it has already spread to Wisconson, Illinois,Ohio. They fear that it is on it’s way into the Mississippi drainage system through the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and the Ohio River.
It is not harmful to humans and spreads through fish by their body fluids. It can also survive for several weeks without a host.
They say it was probably brought here in ballast water from ocean going freighters that came through the St. Lawerence Seaway into our Great Lakes. Hatcheries in these infected waters are worried they may have infected them as well.
There is a post on Learning Experience " Get rid of the weeds" that touches on some other things that have been brought into this country via ballast water brought in and discharged from who knows where.
This has me rubbed raw, we are a can do nation, we can make drinking water from polluted rivers, we can put man on the moon, land on Mars with rover, have the Hubble telescope and can see into the far reaches of the universe but it seems no one in the powers that be can see as far as the end of their nose and see these type problems coming by letting them discharge there ballast water in our waters. The ballast tanks are nothing more than huge aquariums and all that lives in the waters in the countries of origin have been given free passage into ours. This type of thing, having problems from ballast water has been going on long enough for someone with some authority to surely have woke up by now and think “hey”… “we gotta do something to stop them dumping whatever into our waters”
We impose restrictions on import or trade or selling of everything that has fur or feathers, fish, plants or what ever. Yet we have no restrictions on dischargeing ballast water any where they wish, no matter what lives in it. My Question is why is this water not treated,( as I said we make polluted water to drinking water no problem) or at least the water exchanged as these ships travel to our country. (maybe continously exchanged on the way)
I’m not a good writer or speller ( I did get pretty fair at signing my name on a check for 50 some years though) I’m even worse at talking, I’ve been hunting and pecking this for awhile now so please forgive my spelling and poor writing. I may have even posted in the wrong part here, you have my blessing to move it if so.
I do have a favor to ask of all of you, does anyone know who or what department or agency to contact on this. Years ago I wrote 4 letters to politicians on another matter, one thanked me for my interest( no mention of what I had inquired about, 2 never answered and one give a total run around. Surely now there is someone somewhere that could address this, or at least give a proper response.
I think we can all contribute in someway if we knew where to direct our feelings. Thanks for reading and think, “is there something I could”. One person is a voice, altogether we are a roar!!!
The very best to all, Jesse